Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
Deja Vu all over again I started Opednews a few weeks before the first missiles were fired at Baghdad. I started OEN because I believed that we'd been lied to about WMDs and the reasons we were going to wage war on Iraq. It's feeling about the same now, with a new target-- Ukraine. If you've been reading OEN you know that the mainstream media has been stenographically serving up the lies and propaganda of the neoliberals who are frothing at the mouth for war. You get the truth here. That's what OEN will celebrate, on February 28th, eleven years of delivering, truths that you don't find on many liberal sites which support Obama and the Democrats. It's not an easy thing to do, deliver the naked truth. But someone has to do it. If you value what OEN does, please take a moment and support our work with a donation. TODAY. Click here to donate now. thanks, rob kall If you have a problem reading this email, please click here to see the web page version You received this email because you signed up for it at OpEdNews. Unsubscribe instructions are at the bottom of this email. Support Opednews. Make a tax deductible donation to make OEN Strong.
On the day before a meeting that may decide whether Washington succeeds in starting a third world war, a primer on Russian history, going way back, and showing that today's accusations of boundary change by Washington are incorrect.
The U.S. news media has failed the American people often in recent years by not challenging U.S. government falsehoods, as with Iraq's WMD. But the most dangerous violation of journalistic principles has occurred in the Ukraine crisis, which has the potential of a nuclear war, writes Robert Parry.
It's Time To Face The Truth That Republicans Are Traitors
According to the dictionary definition, a traitor is one who betrays a person, a principle, or especially their country. It is of no consequence why someone, or a group, chooses to work in opposition to their nation, or fellow citizens' well-being, because if their intent and result of their actions is to deliberately damage or cause harm to their country or fellow citizens, they are by definition traitors. It is likely that throughout America's short history, except for the traitorous Confederacy, no group of individuals has exhibited the characteristic betrayal of a traitor more than conservatives in general, and Republicans in particular. What makes their actions all the more despicable is that their traitorous actions are founded on racial animus for one man; and allegiance to foreigners and one tiny segment of the population.
By George Eliason
Ukraine War- Kiev Announces America's War With Russia! Poroshenko is now pushing for open conflict with Russia now that he thinks he will have unconditional backing by NATO and the US.
The meeting with Putin was initiated by Merkel and Hollande, because they are disturbed by the aggressive position that Washington has taken toward Russia and are fearful that Washington is pushing Europe into a conflict that Europe does not want.
Israeli Official: Boehner And Netanyahu Conspired "To Defy and Humiliate President Obama"
Obviously Boehner is frustrated that he has been outplayed and out-maneuvered at every turn by the President, and lacking the wherewithal to take on the President himself, he marshaled support and conspired with a foreigner, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to "defy and humiliate President Obama." But Boehner and Netanyahu's conspiracy was more than just to defy and humiliate the President on Iran; it was an attempt to subvert America's negotiations with Iran over its nuclear ambitions to start another Middle East war at the behest of Israel.
Sanders: I would "run to win" in 2016
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says he will be running to win in 2016 if he decides to challenge Hillary Clinton in a Democratic primary. "I am giving thought to running for president of the United States," Sanders said in a speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington on Monday. "But don't tell my wife. ... If I run, I want to run to win and to run to win we need to have millions of people actively involved."
A new poll shows that more than half of Americans -- including 80 percent of Democrats and a quarter of Republicans -- support expanding health reform to "Medicare for All." While Obamacare has been a step in the right direction, more and more people across the country understand that a single-payer healthcare system is the only way to guarantee quality care and at the same time reduce medical costs.
The real struggle is whether we can prevent this country from moving to an oligarchic form of society in which virtually all economic and political power rests with a handful of billionaires. And that's a struggle we must win.
By George Eliason
Ukraine Military Expert -No Russian Invasion or Regular Troops- Kiev Possible Crimes Against Humanity
How many ways can the Ukrainian Government come clean and admit there is NO RUSSIAN INVASION before they are believed?
Schrödinger's cat highlights a long-standing dilemma in quantum mechanics: is the cat really alive and dead, or is the weirdness just in our head?
The ways things are identified and described are often arbitrary conventions handed down from early influential persons or groups. We have conventions involving numbers that aren't the best way of communicating their quantities or ranges, and there's no good reason they shouldn't be improved upon.
Go Set a Watchman has been announced as Harper Lee's second novel, but is it really? The much anticipated sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird, is actually the first manuscript that Lee attempted to get published in the 1950's. Already touted on its Amazon pre-order page as an "instant classic," the typewritten manuscript was the discovery of Lee's lawyer, Tonja Carter, who took over the author's affairs after her older sister died
Patrick Cockburn's experience and insights into the Islamic State are clearly presented in this short, clearly written work. The Islamic State is not a sudden appearance in the geopolitical plays of the Middle East, but has a long history extending from the U.S., Saudi, Pakistani ISI creation of the mujahideen.
The Other Vaccine Controversy
When something terrible and with seemingly little explanation happens, we start searching for the cause. This, I believe, is the result of years of evolution. We are programmed to avoid the catastrophic, and how can we possibly avoid it without knowing the cause? We need to find something that helps us reframe what seems senseless.
By Arlene Goldbard
A Story of My Heart Thousands of people took part in the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture's People's State of the Union civic ritual in January. What can we learn about the state of our union from the more than 500 stories they posted online?
In his words: Brian Williams' interview with Stars and Stripes
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams has only ever answered questions about the Iraq incident -- how he ended up telling a war story he now admits was false -- during an interview with Stars and Stripes. The embattled anchor published a Facebook apology to troops after claiming he was in a Chinook forced down by rocket-propelled grenade fire in 2003, addressed the issue on air Wednesday, and issued a brief statement over the weekend saying he will temporarily leave the news desk while NBC investigates. We now publish the full transcript from that Feb. 4 interview, and give you Williams in his own words.
Bill Maher asks a favor of Republicans slamming Sarah Palin
Bill Maher had a field day with both Sarah Palin and her Republican critics. "Now that many Republicans have come forward in the last week to finally admit that, 'okay, you were right, Sarah Palin is a crazy person, they have to ask themselves, 'What else might I have been completely wrong about all these years?' In case you missed it, Palin made a speech in Iowa a couple of weeks ago that cryptologists are still working on," Maher explained on his show Real Time with Bill Maher.
Netanyahu Throws a Punch in Israel's Newspaper War
The two most widely circulated papers, Yediot Aharonot and Israel Hayom, have been in a dogfight since Israel Hayom, a free paper backed by the American billionaire Sheldon Adelson, began publishing in 2007. Derided as a cheerleading mouthpiece for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the free paper has cut deeply into the formerly dominant readership and advertising revenue of Yediot Aharonot, which is critical of Mr. Netanyahu.
History of Lynchings in the South Documents Nearly 4,000 Names
DALLAS -- A block from the tourist-swarmed headquarters of the former Texas School Book Depository sits the old county courthouse, now a museum. In 1910, a group of men rushed into the courthouse, threw a rope around the neck of a black man accused of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old white girl, and threw the other end of the rope out a window. A mob outside yanked the man, Allen Brooks, to the ground and strung him up at a ceremonial arch a few blocks down Main Street.
By John Whitehead
Why I'm Not Breaking Up with America This Valentine's Day Almost every week I get an email from an American expatriate who commiserates about the deplorable state of our freedoms in the United States and urges me to leave the country before all hell breaks loose and my wife and children are tortured, raped, brutalized and killed. So why am I still here?
Putin: Russia, Egypt May Exclude US Dollar And Use National Currencies In Bilateral Trade
Russia and Egypt may replace the U.S. dollar with their national currencies for settlement of accounts in bilateral trade, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Egyptian media ahead of his visit to the country on Monday. Putin told Egypt's Al-Ahram daily newspaper that the issue of excluding the dollar in bilateral trade between Moscow and Cairo is "being actively discussed," especially because the tourist season in Egypt is about to begin. According to the Russian leader, the use of national currencies -- ruble and Egyptian pound -- in settlement of accounts will help create more favorable conditions for Russian citizens who annually spend their holidays in Egypt. Russia has also been pushing for a switch to national currencies in mutual payments with others countries, including China, India, Thailand and Turkey, RIA Novosti reported.
Half of our nation, by all reasonable estimates of human need, is in poverty. The jubilant headlines above speak for people whose view is distorted by growing financial wealth. The argument for a barely surviving half of America has been made before, but important new data is available to strengthen the case.
Anthem's Data Breach: Now A Lifelong Cluster**** for 80 Million Americans
80 million Americans--those who have ever had health insurance with Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia, Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Amerigroup, Caremore, Unicare, Healthlink, and DeCare--have been hacked. Hackers appear to have accessed customers' names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, member ID numbers, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and employment information, Anthem said. Some of the customer data may also include details on their income. How could this happen? Because Anthem didn't encrypt the data! WHAT? Didn't they know this could happen? Or didn't they care?
Warren says she is not running. But an energetic "Draft Warren" campaign has taken shape in Iowa, New Hampshire and other states. National groups such as and Democracy for America are pouring energy into the effort. And the WFP move turns up the volume.
By Abdus-Sattar Ghazali
Obama's provocative remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast President Obama personally added a reference to the Crusades in his speech this week at the National Prayer Breakfast, hoping to add context and nuance to his condemnation of Islamic terrorists by noting that people also committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ, the New York Times quoted presidential aides as saying on Friday.
The entire "envy" and "vilification" framing is counterproductive. It's a rhetorical ploy that, whether intentionally or not, characterizes a genuine national crisis -- and the hardship of millions -- as a transitory and less than admirable emotional state. We are dealing with a problem that threatens to tear our social fabric apart, and it must be discussed that way.
Oh dear! Brian Williams. Oh, what does this say about our media, our culture, etc., etc.? It doesn't say anything. It says that Williams, like every other person in our ridiculous and pathetic public life, gilds the lily whenever he can to make himself look good. So what?
According to the document, the unit's voice recognition protocols can "capture voice commands and associated texts so that [Samsung] can provide you with Voice Recognition features and evaluate and improve the features." The boilerplate language--which granted few people read in its entirety--sounds fairly anodyne. That is, until the company adds this warning: "Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of Voice Recognition." The TV's voice features can be disabled. However, the company adds another caveat: "While Samsung will not collect your spoken word, Samsung may still collect associated texts and other usage data so that we can evaluate the performance of the feature and improve it."
By Tom Engelhardt
Rebecca Gordon: Six Americans Who Prove Bush and Cheney Didn't Have to Do It Why was it again that, as President Obama said, "we tortured some folks" after the 9/11 attacks? Oh, right, because we were terrified. Because everyone knows that being afraid gives you moral license to do whatever you need to do to keep yourself safe.
Kissinger's "World Order" [Part Five & Last]
Last of 5 articles on TLS review of "World Order"
Deworm to not lose gains made on child health and nutrition
Government of India is observing National Deworming Day on 10th February to control infections in children caused by Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH) or intestinal worms, which are among the most common infections worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that 241 million children between the ages of 1 and 14 are at risk of STH infection in India.
A profession not licensed -- what pet parents need to know
Horrible injuries and deaths have been happening to pets during a grooming service. New York state does not have any oversight or regulations in place to make sure this does not happen to your pets. Ask your town, county and state to better protect our pets when at the groomers'!
Black Men Were Burned Alive in the Bible Belt
This is an apt response to the manufactured outrage at President Obama's completely factual remarks at a recent prayer breakfast, in which he pointed out atrocities throughout history that were committed in the name of Christianity. It is doubly ironic that the right's false sense of superiority is used to justify more brutality.
Sen. Bernie Sanders said Monday he would skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to a joint session of Congress next month. Sanders is the first senator to announce he will not attend Netanyahu's address. Earlier this month, Vice President Joe Biden said he wouldn't attend the speech, but his absence will be due to a scheduling conflict. President Barack Obama won't meet with Netanyahu during his visit to Washington, D.C., since the visit is just two weeks before the Israel elections.
Yet another Corporate motive for the annexation of Ukraine. By capturing control of Ukraine's agricultural productivity, multinational corporations create one more choke point on independant food production. The article also contains more information of US Government complicity in the takeover plot.
"Everything we know suggests that the universe is unusual. It is exceedingly unlikely that we would get a universe anything like ours in one pick -- or even a billion. We started out trying to explain why the universe is so special, and we end up being asked to believe that our universe is one of an infinite number of universes with random properties. This makes me suspect that there is a basic but unexamined assumption about the laws of nature that must be overturned. Cosmology has new questions to answer. Not just what are the laws, but why are these laws the laws? How were they chosen? We can't just hypothesise what the initial conditions were at the big bang. Once we accept that we need a new paradigm to do science at the level of the universe as a whole, the next question to ask is what principle that new paradigm should be founded on."
Ten Reasons Why We Should Celebrate the Inevitable Nuclear Holocaust - Russia Insider
10. In regular wars, common people die in the trenches while those who send them there spend their time giving speeches at luncheons and making TV appearances. By contrast, a nuclear war will put everyone in the same boat. We, the people, should all rejoice in the fact that we'll finally witness the examples of personal courage and leadership provided by our brave politicians. To see a politician putting his money where his mouth is, is one of the greatest joys of citizenry. For many true patriots, it is a joy worth dying for. [It blows my mind that in 2015 there are people still talking about more war, but particularly a nuclear one. On the surface, the article seems facetious, but truer things are often said in jest, though this is certainly no jesting matter.] |
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