2015년 3월 3일 화요일

Cancer-Fighting Foods

webmd logo Healthy Eating
Monday, March 02, 2015
Cancer-Fighting Foods
Which Foods Protect Against Cancer?
A healthy diet is no guarantee against cancer, but certain foods may help you lower your risk. Here's what you should be eating.
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Are Diets a Thing of the Past?
Are Diets a Thing of the Past?
Our new series hosted by Robin Roberts looks at the next generation of devices that could transform the way we lose weight.
The Future of Health 
Sleep and Your Weight    
Could not getting enough sleep cause you to crave fatty foods? Get insights.
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8 Far-Out Fruits to Try
These tropical beauties are sweet, delicious, and super-healthy.
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Banish Kitchen Germs
Countertops to the fridge, get rid of bugs that can make you sick.
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Rethink Dieting
24 tactics that can help you lose weight without denying yourself food.
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Special Diets
Diet Solutions for IBS
How to Eat Right With Diabetes
What to Eat When Your Have RA
Foods That Can Trigger Migraines
Food and Fitness Planner
Oven-Fried Zucchini Sticks
Spinach and Mushroom Bake
Garlicky Vegetable Saute
Thyme-Roasted Squash and Fennel
Baked Parmesan Tomatoes

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