2015년 3월 1일 일요일

Making a business case for refactoring code

February 26, 2015

Making a business case for refactoring code

Refactoring code is the act of changing existing code to be more understandable. Though it is possible to add functionality or fix bugs while refactoring, the act of refactoring code is a separate process from these activities.

Issue highlights

Webcast: Sencha

Beyond Native Packagers

Native packagers can cause delays and frustration for you and your end users when you are trying to deploy your web application. We’ll discuss how your organization can move beyond native packagers to quickly and easily develop and deploy secure cross-platform HTML5 applications designed to run on desktops, tablets and mobile phones. LEARN MORE

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Red Hat engineers are moving forward with their Shenandoah garbage collection technology, which would give Java a boost in large-heap applications. READ MORE

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Python has had questions raised about its performance and design quirks. To get to the bottom of what's right -- and maybe not so right -- about Python, InfoWorld Editor at Large Paul Krill asked dignitaries in the Python community for their input.READ MORE
White Paper: HP

Quantifying the Business

This whitepaper applies the experience of real HP TippingPoint customers to quantify these saving and demonstrate pay back in the first year. Learn: • The cost savings investigating and remediating cyber attacks • The saved cost of e-commerce web site downtime • How TippingPoint intrusion prevention system differs from other approaches LEARN MORE >>

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