Issue highlights
White Paper: Damballa
After a year of mind-boggling breach headlines, it’s clear the approach to network security has to change. Attackers continually get away with epic heists while defenders get tripped up by their own security weapons. LEARN MORE
As IT pros, we know how to fix workflow and systems. Unfortunately, our troubleshooting skills don't always apply to senior execs stuck in their toxic ways.READ MORE
We recently reached out to those CISOs to see if there was a common thread of mistakes among information security career newcomers who are in the job market. Here's what we found. READ MORE
Cybersecurity job postings grew 74 percent from 2007 to 2013, which is more than twice the growth rate of all IT jobs. The labor pool has yet to catch up. READ MORE
White Paper: Damballa
Threat detection methods must evolve to keep up with cunning malicious actors. Popular technologies like sandboxing can miss advanced threats altogether. Learn how Damballa’s Failsafe can detect bot intention and nature to identify infections that bypass prevention controls. LEARN MORE
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