2014년 12월 2일 화요일

Are you SAD or are you just blue?

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BBC News Magazine
Afternoon all,

You know the type. They say they’ve got a migraine when they actually just have a headache. They say they have the flu when they actually have a cold.

If they say they have SAD they may just have winter blues. Here’s how to tell the difference: winter blues often involves a lack of sleep while people with seasonal affective disorder are permanently tired and spend longer in bed.

Seasonal Affective Disorder and the difference from winter blues
Here’s a story about feeling guilt for a sibling’s sins. The sister of Colombia’s most notorious drug trafficker, Pablo Escobar has taken to going to the graves of his victims and leaving notes asking for forgiveness. Luz Maria also hung some notepaper around her brother’s grave. Incredibly, seven or eight people whose families were his victims actually came to the grave and gave her a hug.

Pablo Escobar: Atoning for the sins of a brother
And finally, season’s greetings from Tony Blair.
This isn’t a hoax, he actually sent out this Christmas card.

The people of Twitter got scared. They nicknamed it Tony Blair’s Threatening Christmas Card. One tweeter observed that his teeth seem to follow you around the room.

It turns out he’s got form.

Tony Blair and the art of a good Christmas card photo


That's it from us today.

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