2014년 12월 2일 화요일

Killing It

The Little Mermaid

General web

Mermaid [github/knsv] is like markdown for graphs, built from JavaScript.
Rocket [github/coreos] is a command line tool for running app containers, built by CoreOS. Here’s a blog post [coreos] that explains what all that means.
Clapper [github/globocom] is a an extensible web media player built in JavaScript.
Remember those Magic Eye images you used to go cross-eyed at back in the 90s? Now they’re on your browser, with this JavaScript library, MagicEye.js [github/peeinears].
Siesta [github/mtford90] is object mapping for JavaScript, inspired by Apple’s CoreData among others.
Yandex [browser.yandex] is a concept browser that hopefully becomes a real thing eventually.

Float On


RZTransitions [github/raizlabs] offers a library of iOS animations and transitions, built in Obj-C, natch.
This is a good look at currentColor [osvaldas], a way to keep your CSS short and sweet.
Meanwhile, here’s an examination of interactive float-labels [azumbrunnen].
And here’s a look at the psychology of color [helpscout], in a non-psuedosciencey way.

Par for the Discourse


First up on SitePoint, we’ve moved our commenting system to Discourse! So this means articles can be discussed on the page, and in the forums, and the comments will be everywhere. There’s no escaping the comments! So make them good.
Then we have a nice explanation of what it’s like to be the only web developer in a company, as well as some great advice for surviving.
And then there’s this list of three important principles for pairing typefaces.
Lastly for this section, a guide to building a PHP project in Jenkins.

Killing It


The latest beta release of Firefox has its own video chat service, Firefox Hello [tokbox], which is exciting.
Is internet addiction real? Sure, why not? [newyorker]
Kill Bill [killbill] is a platform for subscription payments and billing, with plenty of options for plugins etc.

Cloak and Dagger


Time cloaks are nearly ready for the real world. What are time cloaks? Yeah, good question: Motherboard has you covered [motherboard.vice].
Need some great UX advice? Maybe don’t bother with this, it’s just UX bulls*** [uxbulls***].
ASCII cam [escobar5.github] converts video from your computer’s camera into ASCII art. It’s intense and great.
Finally, 3d.city [github/lo-th] is a JavaScript city building game created to test the limits of WebGL.
Those are our links for today. Apologies for the unscheduled Versioning outage yesterday. Blame it on unscheduled sickness. We'll be back tomorrow though, immune system willing.

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