2014년 12월 29일 월요일

The Hill's E-news: December 29, 2014

The Hill's E-news
 December 28, 2014 
The Hill's E-news
Jeb Bush jumps to the front of Republicans' 2016 race
By Cameron Joseph
The field is in a state of flux, however.
10 senators who could lose reelection in 2016
By Cameron Joseph
Senate Republicans will have to work hard to retain their recently won majority as they face a tough 2016 electoral map.
Obama: US 'safer, more secure' because of Afghanistan war
By Ian Swanson
President Obama is marking the end of the U.S. combat mission in Afghanistan with a statement that says he is bringing the conflict to a “responsible conclusion.”
Giuliani criticizes Obama's 'poster boy for hating the police,' Al Sharpton
By David McCabe
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) on Sunday criticized President Obama's association with the Rev. Al Sharpton, arguing it sends a signal of hostility to police.
Graham: GOP must tackle immigration to win White House
By Peter Sullivan
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is warning the Republican Party that its chances of winning the White House in 2016 will be "almost non-existent" if it does not at leasts take a step toward immigration reform.
Five times ‘The Wire’ and politics mixed
By Peter Sullivan
HBO has brought back “The Wire,” the gritty portrayal of drug dealing in Baltimore often called one of the best shows of all time, for a marathon that began on Friday.
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NYPD chief: Cops feel 'under attack' from feds
By Peter Sullivan
Police nationwide believe that they are "under attack from the federal government at the highest levels," New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton said Sunday.
Franken takes on Obama
By Peter Sullivan
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) on Sunday called on supporters to reject one of President Obama's nominees to the Treasury Department.
2014: The 10 most memorable speeches from the floor
By Cristina Marcos
A handful of impassioned speeches stood out from the thousands delivered on the floors of the House and the Senate in 2014.
Jeb Bush opens lead on GOP field
By Peter Sullivan
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has opened up a large lead over the Republican presidential field, according to a new poll.
Charles Koch eyes sentencing reform as a 2015 priority
By David McCabe
Conservative mega-donor Charles Koch says reforming the criminal justice system to make it more fair to the "disadvantaged" will be a major one of his priorities in 2015.
Graham: China involved in Sony hack
By Peter Sullivan
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says that he thinks China is involved in the cyberattack on Sony Pictures, in addition to North Korea.
Ebola Czar: Mishandling of samples ‘unacceptable’
By Ian Swanson
Ebola Czar Ron Klain on Sunday defended the Centers for Disease Control’s response to the Ebola crisis, even as he criticized this week’s mishandling of a virus sample that exposed a technician to the disease.
Sign up for The Hill's contributors section
By The Hill staff
The Hill's dynamic platform for articles from contributors like you. The Contributors section enriches the reader experience by examining policy issues through the lens of academia, think tanks, diplomats and other experts around the country.
Curbing fugitive methane costs little, buys time on climate change
By Jayni Hein, contributor
The natural gas produced by hydraulic fracturing has transformed the national energy landscape.
Will protests break out in Russia over the economic crisis?
By Anne Borshchevskaya, contributor
Russia's ruble continues to plummet.
The Associated Press: Obama warns GOP he plans to use veto pen in 2015
By Josh Lederman
Since taking office in 2009, Obama has only vetoed legislation twice, both in fairly minor circumstances.
Bloomberg: When Jeb Bush met the press
By Steven Yaccino
Details from thousands of Jeb Bush’s Florida government e-mails have trickled out.
Reuters: New York, New Jersey governors veto Port Authority overhaul 
By Karen Brooks
The legislative reforms to the transportation agency were passed as federal prosecutors investigate "Bridgegate."
The Wall Street Journal: Clinton in uphill fight for white, rural vote
By Beth Reinhard
Cracks in Arkansas support show weakness for the state's former first lady.

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