2015년 1월 20일 화요일

9 features you'll see in Windows 10 this week

InfoWorld Daily PM
January 20, 2015

9 features you'll see in Windows 10 this week

The consumer version of Windows 10 -- or at least the January Technical Preview -- is about to make an appearance. From Spartan to Continuum, here are the features you're sure to see. READ MORE

Issue highlights

White Paper: Attachmate

Enterprise File Sharing and Management

Dynamic file sharing across multiple platforms is the new normal in the world of work, creating an urgent need for large and highly-regulated enterprises to explore file sharing solutions that do not compromise data security. LEARN MORE

Hiring streak stays hot for tech pros

Tech professionals continue to have rosy prospects in the job market, with unemployment at its lowest level since 2008. It's especially good for programmers, computer and information systems managers, and computer support specialists.READ MORE

In open source, no one cares if you're a dog

On the Internet, no one cares if you're a dog. And in the open source world, code is king (or queen). The people who write it don't necessarily matter. READ MORE

Why cloud providers must look beyond services to APIs

Modern applications are becoming webs of services. To deliver real value, service providers need to offer complete platforms along with the services customers demand. READ MORE

Worst cyber attacks of 2014 could (should) have been avoided

2014 was riddled with major data breaches. Retailers, banks and financial institutions, government agencies, and military assets were all victimized by cyber attacks. According to a new report from CyActive titled Cyber Security’s Infamous Five of 2014, though, most of these attacks relied on known malware components that organizations should have been able to detect and avoid. READ MORE
Resource compliments of: NYU

Move Ahead with NYU SPS Programs in Information Technology

The NYU School of Professional Studies delivers world-class, noncredit programs in front-end development, business technology, healthcare technology and informatics, android app development, and more that push boundaries, broaden opportunities, and provide outstanding education in a way that only NYU can. ENROLL TODAY FOR SPRING.
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