2015년 1월 11일 일요일

DIY Now: Kill the Clutter

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End Your Organization Problems

Save Space With These Deep Bookshelves

A deep bookshelf is a great way to consolidate your stuff without stashing it in a hard to reach place. Learn how you can build one yourself!Read More!

4 Ways to Organize Cords and Cables

With so many forms of technology available at the drop of a hat, our homes can quickly become filled with the cords to power them all. Use one of our four ways to corral the mess and get more organized. Read More!

6 Habits to a Heavenly Closet

Have you ever walked into your closet, already late for work, and can't find the blouse that would be perfect with the skirt you just bought? It's a never ending cycle of new clothes shoved into an old closet. Well, it's time to break that habit. Read More!

Quick Tips!

Dry Rot Awareness
Dry rot is a living fungus that penetrates damp wood and leaves a structurally unsound skeleton. Wood fence posts frequently rot at ground level due to the moisture in the soil.
Installing metal, masonry or treated wood posts is the most effective way to prevent this deterioration.

From Our Workshop

Project of the Week

Keeping your mudroom clutter-free and your home clean can be a massive task. Fortunately we have some tips to help get you through the cold and wet months.

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