2015년 1월 11일 일요일

How to Get Sexy Arms

Sunday January 11
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Special OfferGet In Shape By Valentine's Day!
Want to reach your goal weight? Sign up for my weight-loss program today to get my popular DVD, 30 Day Shred, and a one week trial FREE to my online weight-loss program! It has all of the tools you need to reach your goals. Get started now!

The Routine
How to Get Sexy Arms
When you have sculpted triceps you free yourself from having to wear those loose, long-sleeved shirts. Go ahead and fill your closet with short-sleeved shirts. Better yet — go sleeveless! With toned triceps you can wave to your fans all you want (no more upper-arm jiggle!).
Master the tricep kickback »

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The Regimen
5 Biggest Motivation Pitfalls
There are millions of excuses you can come up with for not making the time to workout, or worse, completely falling off-track. The fact is, they're justexcuses — and if you 'fess up to them, you can overcome these motivation pitfalls.
Find solutions for your slip-ups »

The Challenge
Move of the Week: Sumo Squats
Have you ever seen a sumo match? These wrestlers may look funny (and flabby), but they're actually powerhouses of strength and balance. These squats are tough!
Try this move »

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