2015년 1월 27일 화요일

How Long Can a Flu Strain Haunt Us For?

 January 27, 2015 
How Long Can a Flu Strain Haunt Us For?
Flu strains don't just disappear with a change in season.
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Canadian Infected With Deadly Strain of Bird Flu
A Canadian woman who recently traveled to China has been diagnosed with the first case of H7N9 bird flu in North America.
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Autism Genes Randomly Mutated, Study Finds
A new genetic study shows that even siblings with autism often have very different DNA mutations from one another.
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Skip the Toilet Paper: How to Prepare for the Blizzard
Here's some advice for how to weather the coming blizzard or for any big storm.
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Stay Safe on the Ice by Walking Like This Animal
It's Blizzard '15 alert: Even heavy snow boots may not keep you upright on frozen walkways and stairs. There are techniques to navigate the ice safely.
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Snow Jam: What You Need to Have in Your Car Now
Caught in the Blizzard? Don't Panic
Pediatricians Say Medical Pot May Help Some Ill Kids
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