2015년 1월 4일 일요일

The Latest from Boing Boing

EB White explains his dachshund's license status
Letters of Note (whose book was spectacular) publishes this arch, sarcastic letter from EB "Charlotte's Web" White to the ASPCA about whether his dachshund, Minnie, is duly licensed.
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Highly specialized tattoos
Link: the artist is Eric Brunning of Vancouver's Adorned (via JWZ)
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South Korea's brutalized, disabled slaves
Whole towns' worth of people on South Korea's remote southwest coast are complicit in the longrunning, open enslavement of mentally and physically disabled workers who are kidnapped from the streets of cities like Seoul and beaten into lives of forced labor.
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Apollo 11 tracksuit
Thoren's $140 (+$65 SH) Apollo 11 sweatsuit is modelled on the A7-L Pressure Suit, and features fantastic levels of gorgeous, 1969-vintage detail.
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