2015년 2월 5일 목요일

Apple is finally killing iPhoto — and this is the replacement


Feb 05, 2015


Apple is finally killing iPhoto — and this is the replacement

Photos for OS X, the modern photo library that Apple built from the ground up for Mac computers, is making its debut. A developer seed version of Photos is being distributed to developers today, the company said. It will be followed by a public Photos beta, with the final Photos product delivered to Mac users as part of a free software update this spring.


Keurig's attempt to 'DRM' its coffee cups totally backfired

You know Keurig’s machines. The company's squat black coffee brewers have become fixtures in offices, hotels, and homes around the country, as have garbage cans heaped with the spent plastic pods they use. Purely on the strength of those machines — or more accurately, the relatively expensive pods they use — Keurig transformed its parent company, Green Mountain Coffee, from a small regional brewer to a major corporation doing over $4 billion in sales each year.

The best reason to own a new PC is to play five-year-old games

I recently upgraded my PC. It’s an expensive and irritating process, so I wanted to justify the money and time. Recent graphic showcases were boring and buggy and instilled an irksome sensation that I’d made a mistake. On a whim, I downloaded a handful of my favorite games from the previous generation.

This train absolutely decimating untouched snow is our simile of the day

You may apply this train obliterating snow as a simile for your life.


Twitter CEO: 'We suck at dealing with abuse'

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo is taking personal responsibility for his platform's chronic problems with harassment and abuse, telling employees that he is embarrassed for the company's failures and would soon be taking stronger action to eliminate trolls.

Everything you need to know about Apple’s new Photos app for Mac

One of the biggest problems right now is what to do with all our photos. Taking them is easier than ever. So is sharing them. But storing and organizing them all in different places still manages to be an experience filled with gotchas, and one that varies wildly depending on what companies you’ve sworn allegiance to with your phone and computer.

An analysis of San Francisco's startups shows where the 'real' Silicon Valley is

There’s a new map of entrepreneurial hotspots in California, and it’s here to show you where the "real" Silicon Valley is. By coding startup characteristics and looking out companies' success six years down the line, researchers at MIT say that they were able to map out exactly which areas of California have the highest entrepreneurial quality, as well as identify which characteristics tend to typify companies that "make it big."

This is why everyone hates in-car navigation systems

Subaru recently posted a YouTube video touting Starlink, the company's in-house navigation and entertainment system. You'd think they'd make it look good; companies are typically in the business of making their products seem like pure, unfiltered magic. Not Subaru, which is apparently content to let its in-dash electronics trainwreck over the course of one minute, 43 seconds.

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