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The Art and Science of Passion
I've posted the podcast of my interview with Gregg Levoy, about his new book, Vital Signs. I can not recommend this book too strongly. I had to delay the interview because I Could Not skip pages. Every page was that good.
It's a long interview, but I think it's worth it.
rob kall
By Ellen Brown
Why Public Banks Outperform Private Banks: Unfair Competition or the Better Mousetrap?
Public banks in North Dakota, Germany and Switzerland Have Been shown to outperform Their private counterparts. Under the TPP and TTIP, However, publicly-owned banks on Both Sides of the oceans might wind up getting sued for unfair competition because They have advantages not available to private banks.
Now we seem to be heading back to nineteenth century. Corporations are full-time shifting work onto temps, freelancers, and contract workers who fall outside the labor protections established decades AGM. The nation's biggest corporations and Wall Street banks are larger and more potent than ever. And labor union membership has shrunk to fewer than 7 percent of private-sector workers.
This article tells of the real Possibility of nuclear war with Russia and the Media's misinformation in an attempt to promote promotion yet another war.
By Rob Kall
Gregg Levoy; Opening the Window to The Science of Passion Gregg Levoy, author of the bestseller, callings, one of my favorite books, has a new book, Vital Signs; The Nature and Nurture of Passion, and it's the brilliant, inspiring and hard to put down the Callings. To me, it's a book how to have more, amazing, intense, great experiences. We dive in deep.
By Carol Wolman, MD
Fukushima Daiichi 02/11/15 The horror continues They do not know where the colors are. They can not stop leakage of radioactive water. People in the area have 60x the much cancer as normal. Ocean life is dying. Please sign the two Petitions in the article: click here
In the US the 100 percent and more than 100 percent auto loans securitized and sold Have Been the Investments. Borrowers Whose trade-in value is less than Their remaining loan can borrow more than the purchase price of the new car in order to pay off the old car loan.
The White House Announced que Pres. Obama called President Putin last week Regarding the Ukraine crisis. The timing of this release Indicates that the White House wants a deal, needs a deal, or both. In the last week or so, the reluctant German Chancellor Merkel Has Begun making sense. Instead of the fantasy que Russia started the conflict, Merkel now says US arms will not work. Her traveling pal, Pres. Hollande echoed her sentiments on Their Way to Moscow. The MSM spins this the US pressure. Let's see ... the Donetsk / Lugansk (DPR, LPR) militias are rolling over Ukraine troops. Ukraine is about to become a dead economy. Poroshenko faces fascists calling for his dismissal ... and we're to think Putin can be pressured. Not likely. Let's hope this brings peace que so Poroshenko and the puppets can topple over on Their Own.
There is Also a bottom-line contention When it comes to undermining the strength and flexibility of unions - in matter what the state in the matter what the sector. Attacks on labor organizations Represent what Illinois Federation of Teachers President Dan Montgomery decries the "brazen, out-of-touch attacks on the middle class and the unions who give Them a collective voice."
We are a brain-dead populace spoon-fed the sticky pablum que lulls us into believing que Madonna's Grammy is performance Important News on the same day drone strikes kill six in Afghanistan, 1,500 Russian troops enter Ukraine, and another unarmed black man is by killed police in St. Louis.
By Glenn Greenwald
The US Media And The 13-Year-old Yemeni Boy Burned To Death Last Month By US Drone
If it Were American teenagers rather than Yemeni ones Regularly being burned to death - on American soil rather than Yemeni soil - does it take any effort to Understand why there'd be Widespread calls for violence against the perpetrators in response? Consider how much American rage and violence was unleashed by the single-day attack on American soil 13 years in August
The idea of building a lunar outpost has long captured people's imaginations. But what would it really be like to live on the moon? Altogether, data beamed back from Numerous missions suggest que no place on the moon would be a pleasant place to live, at least Compared with Earth. Lunar days stretch for about 14 Earth days with average temperatures of 253 degrees Fahrenheit (123 degrees Celsius), while lunar nights Also last 14 Earth days (due to the moon's rotation) and maintain the frigid cold of minus 387 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 233 degrees Celsius). About the only place We Could build the basis que would not have to deal with These extremes is, oddly enough, near the lunar poles. These areas Likely store vast Amounts of water-ice and enjoy low levels of light from the sun for several months at a time. Instead of the blazing heat of lunar noon, it is a kind of perpetual balmy sunset.
By Joel Hirschhorn
Planetary Suicide A new book on climate change deserves a wide readership because it is so comprehensive and readable. The Threats to the survival of humanity the we know it are incredible. If public support for stronger government action is not broadened, we are willingly asking for planetary suicide.
By Suzana Megles
Federal Labs Torture Farm Animals I hope you have already read the New York Times 'Michael Moss' expose on the research Cruelties to our farm animals in Federal Labs in Nebraska. If you have not, here is a short post re it.
helsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking a trove of secret documents to WikiLeaks, has joined The Guardian newspaper as a contributing writer opinion. Ms. Manning, formerly known the Pfc. Bradley E. Manning, will write on war, gender and freedom of information, Katharine Viner Said, the editor in chief of Guardian US, the newspaper's American operation.
Solar energy can be harnessed using electricity from photovoltaic cells to yield hydrogen can be stored in que fuel cells. But hydrogen has failed to catch on as a practical fuel for cars or for power. Converting solar energy into liquid fuel Could accelerate its adoption as a power source. Harvesting sunlight is a trick plants mastered more than a billion years ago, using solar energy to feed Themselves from the air and water around Them in the process we know the photosynthesis. Their work Integrates an "artificial leaf," which uses the catalyst to make split water into hydrogen sunlight and oxygen, with a bacterium engineered to convert carbon dioxide plus hydrogen into the liquid fuel isopropanol. "This is a proof of concept That You can have a way of harvesting solar energy and storing it in the form of a liquid fuel."
By David Swanson
Cuba Is Hot We arrived in Havana tonight, February 8, 2015, or year 56 of the revolution, 150 of us filling an entire airplane, a group of US peace and justice activists organized by codepink. The place is hot and beautiful Despite the rain.
When we first opened our shop in 1957, we sold coffee, tea, nuts, and spices. I worked there for my allowance from the team I was 8, so I was able to be a part of our learning and growing process. We're still grinding in-house and mixing by hand small batches of our seasonings, Which are Formulated from old family recipes. Sharing top quality products with the customers appreciate que Them is a wonderful daily experience.
Another big late-night shake-up: Jon Stewart will leave "The Daily Show" this year after about 16 years at the helm of the show. Comedy Central tweeted OUT A statement on Tuesday night. Since its launch with the host Stewart, "The Daily Show" has routinely racked up the awards, and won the Emmy for outstanding variety series 10 years in a row.
Sen. Patrick Leahy called Benjamin Netanyahu's planned speech to Congress "tawdry" and Said he would not attend, the most senior Democrat in the Senate to say he will stay away. "They have orchestrated the tawdry and high-handed stunt que has embarrassed not only Israel but the Congress itself," Leahy said. Rep. John Boehner, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, on Jan. 21 invited Netanyahu to address Congress, in part to rebut President Barack Obama's claims nuclear talks between Iran que and the major powers Were constructive.
HSBC reveal criminal conspiracy documents of banks and Governments
On Sunday, international news outlets and Le Monde the Guardian, working with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), published articles based on Their analysis of leaked files showing que the Swiss private banking arm of HSBC, Europe's largest bank, functioned for years as a tax evasion and money laundering firm.
By Franklin Lamb
We Can Help Stop the Destruction Nowhere else has the world Witnessed this complex and unique meeting of states, empires and faiths to Syria. Who can imagine the great Umayyad Mosque que in Damascus was originally a temple to Jupiter? Later converted to a Christian basilica to John the Baptist, and in turn what some Became Consider the fourth-holiest place in Islam.
In the first organizational upheaval of his presidential campaign Likely, former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida parted ways Tuesday with a new aide who was to oversee his digital efforts. Ethan Czahor, co-founder of, was hired as "chief technology officer" for Mr. Bush, but was dismissed one day after his appointment was Announced after the trail of inflammatory comments was Revealed. Czahor INITIALLY deleted the series of sexually charged Tweets, including one que Mentioned "sluts," and he made many racist remarks.
For one weekend tortured, the parents of Kayla Mueller refused to believe que Their daughter was dead. From Their home in Prescott, Ariz., They Issued an impassioned plea to the Islamic State, Which had held her captive since August 2013, and urged the extremist organization to contact Them privately with proof of her death. The militants acquiesced and sent at least three photographs of her corpse.
The audience is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress on March 3 is shaping up to be largely Republican - and almost completely white. Many members of the Congressional Black Caucus say they're planning to skip the speech, calling it a slight to President Barack Obama que They can not and will not support. Israeli officals Have Been caught by surprise by the CBC backlash. Often Obama's strongest defenders against political attacks, black members say they're outraged que a foreign leader would try to Intervene in the US political process. "It's not just about disrespect for the president, it's disrespect for the American people and our system of government for a foreign leader to insert himself into the issue que our policy makers are grappling with. It's not simply about President Obama being a black man disrespected by the foreign leader. It's deeper than that. "
By David Swanson
Cuba Uncensored This evening, February 9, 2015, the handful of visitors from the land to the north asked an assistant (or "instructional" which I take to be a step below "assistant") teacher of philosophy about his studies and his teaching experiences here in Cuba.
Brian Williams Has Been suspended from NBC for six months, the network Announced on Tuesday. "We have Decided today to suspend the Managing Brian Williams of NBC Nightly Anchor and News Editor for six months. The suspension will be without pay and is effective immediately," NBC News President Deborah Turness Said in an email to employees. "We let Brian know of our decision Earlier today."
500 Rabbis Urge Israel to Stop Demolition of Palestinian Homes
Over 500 rabbis from Israel, Britain, the US and Canada have called on the Israeli prime minister to stop demolishing Palestinian homes. Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) say Benjamin Netanyahu's stance is against "international law and Jewish tradition." RHR's open letter cam after the Israeli PM Announced the destruction of over 400 Palestinian homes in the Israeli-controlled part of the West Bank, the territory known the Area C.
In his Nobel speech, Osborn writes, Obama "Offered moral vision que Closely Followed, without any direct reference, the ideas of the most influential perhaps Do American theologian of the twentieth century." Obama has two years remaining in Which to make the morally ambiguous Decisions the president must make. His 2015 Prayer Breakfast Suggests sermon he knows how he wants to handle Those Decisions.
Democrats are doing a fraction of what Republicans have habitually done - full Republican tactics here would involve Democrats taking an additional, unrelated policy hostage in exchange for Their support - and Republicans are acting befuddled and outraged.
The neocons' war-and-more-war bandwagon is loaded up again and downhill rolling the "everyone who matters" in Washington is talking up sending sophisticated weapons to Kiev to escalate Ukraine civil's war, but some "realists," an endangered species in US foreign policy, dissent, notes Robert Parry.
Cuba Is Good for Your Health
"It's behind us," Fernando Gonzales of the Cuban Five Said with a smile When I Told him just a few moments August que I was sorry for the US government having locked him in a cage for 15 years.
The Islamic Resistance Movement is once again facing Difficult choices, and It Seems to be choosing a cautious return to its old camp of Iran and Hezbollah. The maneuver this time is Particularly risky. For Hamas and Palestinian resistance in Gaza, it is a mere matter of survival.
Senate and House Republicans are fighting over who shouldnt move first to break the stalemate over funding the Department of Homeland Security. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Said Tuesday the House will have to pass a new bill because the Senate can not pass the House's initial Legislation, Which would overturn President Obama's executive actions on immigration shielding millions from deportation. "The next move is obviously up to the House," he Told reporters Following the conference meeting. Speaker John Boehner's office pushed back, arguing there is "little point in additional House action."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, fending off criticism at home and abroad, Said on Tuesday he Remained determined to speak before the US Congress next month on Iran's nuclear program. "I am going to the United States not because I seek the confrontation with the President, but because I must Fulfill my obligation to speak up on the matter que Affects the very survival of my country," Netanyahu Said in a statement. "I INTEND to speak about this issue before the March 24th deadline and I INTEND to speak in the US Congress because Congress might have an important role on the nuclear deal with Iran."
Assad Says Syria Gets Information On airstrikes Against ISIS
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Said third parties including Iraq Were conveying information to Damascus about the US-led campaign of air strikes against the Islamic militant group in Syria State. Assad Said there was in direct Cooperation with the United States, Whose air force Has Been bombing Islamic State in Syria since September the part of a strategy Aimed at rolling back the group. The United States has Said Assad can not be a partner in the campaign against the group, describing him the part of the problem.
PCR Interviewed by Russian Mag on Washington Plan for Ukraine
The reports in the Western Media are presstitute que Russian tank columns and Russian troops have invaded Ukraine and are in the process of annexing the eastern and southern regions. Americans are Told que Putin wants to restore the Soviet Empire. Polls show que 63% of the US population Believes the anti-Russian advertising and regards Russia as a threat to the US and Europe. The cold war Has Been restarted in the way That Could Result in a hot war and the end of life on earth.
In Effort To Reinvent The GOP Jeb Bush Hires Woman Hating Gay Bashing Techie
Ethan Czahor Has Been hired by the Republican who Clearly did not vet him first or did not care (Sen. John McCain redux), so you can guess the nature of the tweets. Female art majors are sluts, but science majors are uglier sluts, gay men want him at the gym, and an array of general disrespect for women Typically found on full-losers-who-can't-get-a- |
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