2015년 2월 18일 수요일

The rise (and rise) of Slack, Silicon Valley's hottest startup

ITworld Unified Communications
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Google Hangouts' 5 biggest hangups (and how to fix them) 
  The right browser, the right app, the right plug-in...or the wrong one...we'll help you cure what ails Hangouts. Read More 

: LogMeIn

Avoid the Sales/IT Collision Scenario 
This InfoWorld research report, based on an IDG QuickPulse survey administered to IT professionals, will provide insight into the BYOA trend, identify pain points associated with traditional online meeting tools, and address business-driven IT requirements that benefit the overall organization. Read Now

WHITE PAPER: A10 Networks

Today’s Most Dangerous Security Threats 
This paper analyzes the top five most dangerous threats to your data center. It also describes the impact of these threats and it reveals the latest methods, tools and techniques used by attackers to exploit data. View Now>>
The rise (and rise) of Slack, Silicon Valley's hottest startup 
IRC-for-enterprise startup Slack has released its first-year growth stats, and things are looking good. Read More 

Samepage updates its collaboration service with Box, Dropbox support 
If there’s any trend evident in the collaboration world today, it’s the movement away from complexity and toward simplicity. With so many products out there, many of them running simultaneously in a single organization, it’s only natural to yearn for something that pares down the options.That’s part of the pitch Incentive delivered on Monday as part of its update that adds SharePoint integration, and it’s also part of the case for Samepage, which got its own updates on Tuesday.Samepage has a product to help consumers share content as well as one for business collaboration, and both got some key new features. Perhaps most notable on both sides is a long-awaited Android app to complement the existing iOS version.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here Read More 

5 keys to successful SIP implementation 
SIP can cut costs and increase network flexibility and the efficiency of existing resources, but consider these issues to ensure successful implementation Read More 

WHITE PAPER: A10 Networks

Uncover Threats in SSL Traffic: The Ultimate Guide to SSL 
Encrypted traffic accounts for a growing percentage of network traffic. To stop cyber attacks, organizations must gain insight into encrypted data, and to do this, they need a dedicated security platform that can decrypt SSL traffic. View now>>
Huawei faces outcry over telecom towers in Zambia 
Towers do not adhere to technical specifications Read More 

Apple extends two-factor authentication to FaceTime and iMessage 
Apple is including two more crucial services in its two-factor authentication protections to keep your messaging out of the hands of hackers. Read More 

Google Hangouts' 5 biggest hangups (and how to fix them) 
  The right browser, the right app, the right plug-in...or the wrong one...we'll help you cure what ails Hangouts. Read More 
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