2015년 3월 10일 화요일

7 timeless lessons of programming ‘graybeards’

InfoWorld's Developer World
March 10, 2015

7 timeless lessons of programming ‘graybeards’

In the spirit of sharing, here are several lessons that can't be learned by jumping on the latest hype train for a few weeks. They are known only to geezers who need two hexadecimal digits to write their age.

Issue highlights

White Paper: Proofpoint, Inc.

Content is King - Controlling Content in Your Enterprise

Massive amounts of information are created across an enterprise each and every day. Much of this content is sensitive in containing personally identifiable, patient and financial information, or even intellectual property. Organizations need a way to monitor and govern this information without disrupting employees' daily activities.VIEW NOW>>

Calling all developers: Let us know what you think

Developers, are you curious where your profession is headed? Then take our survey covering everything from hot languages to devops -- and be the first to see the results. READ MORE

Free books! 19 no-cost programming guides

Programming books can be costly, but free e-books and PDFs for several languages, frameworks, applications, systems, and disciplines are available. Here are the titles you can use to begin building your reference library. READ MORE

Bash is more powerful than you think

Perl, Python, and Ruby are commonly used for CLI control and management scripts, and they offer a plethora of modules that can make all kinds of functions easier to develop. But if you want portability and ease of installation, go with Bash.READ MORE

JavaScript unites Microsoft and Google

Version 2.0 of the popular AngularJS JavaScript framework will be built on TypeScript, Microsoft's superset of the scripting language that compiles to JavaScript, thanks to a partnership between Microsoft and Google. READ MORE
White Paper: Proofpoint, Inc.

Security Analytics: Quick Patch or Long Term Solution?

Download a complimentary copy of Security Analytics Pitfalls to learn: • Key questions to ask security analytics vendors • A structured approach to preparing and understanding the commitments necessary for security analytics • Recommendations and tips for achieving the results promised by security analytics from existing technology VIEW NOW>>

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