Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
What words do you think Florida will ban next?
A note from Kathy Kelly, serving time in jail for protesting.
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Banning words puts you on a slippery slope. Once you start banning words, who knows where it will go. Here are some speculations on words and phrases that the right wing fill-in-the-blanks who have banned Climate Change and Global Warming might be inclined to ban next:
U.S. state and federal prison populations have risen, since 1988, from 600,000 to an estimated 1,600,000 in 2012. This trend shows inhumane behavior on the part of lawmakers and myriads of employees who benefit from the so-called "criminal justice" system. But our entire society bears responsibility for what now can aptly be labeled a "prison-industrial complex.
if Hillary doesn't run, among Democratic voters, Elizabeth Warren tops the list of candidates at 31% followed closely by Joe Biden at 30%, with Bernie Sanders in third place with 7% and Jim Webb at 6%.
This is exciting news, though I personally think cannabis should be off the controlled schedule altogether, like the much more dangerous alcohol.
Hillary + private email account(s) plus the now never-ending barrage from the Repubs., the Propaganda Channel, and some Democrats too, leads to toast, well-done.
New York wants to get serious about solar power. The state has a goal to cut its greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050, and it's already among the nation's solar leaders. New York ranks ninth overall for total installed solar, and in 2013 alone it added enough to power more than 10,000 homes. Under a new order from the state's Public Service Commission, utility companies will soon be barred from owning "distributed" power systems--that means rooftop solar, small wind turbines, and basically anything else that isn't a big power plant. Now, a utility's revenue will instead be based on how efficiently and effectively it distributes power, so-called "performance-based rates." This, finally, provides the incentive utilities need to make decisions that jibe with the state's climate goals, because it will be to their advantage to make use of distributed energy systems. "By restricting utilities from owning local power generation and other energy resources, customers will benefit from a more competitive market, with utilities working and partnering with other companies and service providers," the commission said in a statement.
Most big American corporations have no particular allegiance to America. They don't want Americans to have better wages. Their only allegiance and responsibility to their shareholders -- which often requires lower wages to fuel larger profits and higher share prices.
The U.S. is currently running a net trade deficit of over $500 billion dollars each year with our "trade partners." We have been running trade deficit every year since the late 1970s. We buy from them, but they don't reciprocate and buy from us, so the trade is out of balance -- way out of balance.
The U.S.A.F. is having great difficulty keeping pilots in the drone program. Nonetheless, U.S. government officials are ignoring the many signs that illustrate the failure of the very nature of drone assassinations and refuse to listen to the will of the people. Killler Drones make enemies.
The Supreme Court has now struck down a key section of the Voting Rights Act. Too many young men have died in police custody. And the grinding heel of poverty has borne down harder on children of color. We celebrate the brave people of Selma, but it is up to US to make change now. The power of Selma is hope -- hope that change can happen.
China's wind farms have reached an installed capacity of 115GW, producing enough energy to power more than 110 million homes and overtaking the 90GW generating power of the US' 99 nuclear reactors and are set to double by 2020.
The swastika is an ancient symbol that is revered in a number of cultures. The Nazis tarnished the swastika by adopting it thus making it in the eyes of many around the world a symbol of murder and genocide. Can it be redeemed? The intensity of revulsion to the swastika suggests that that it has a difficult if not impossible road to redemption.
telesur is an alternative representation for world news. we focus on the people, the common citizen, stories untold by traditonal media. you will only find them at telesur.
I decided to write Getting Things Off My Chest,first the blog and then the book, to open up about having cancer and facing down a trifecta of setbacks (disease, death, debt).My mission was to help women navigate their cancer journey with more information, more clarity and more confidence.Today, the blog is less about coping with cancer and more about coping with the challenges of everyday life and maintaining a healthy balance
he Neocons have taken another step to work around the president, this time 47 Republican senators sent a letter to Iran, warning that any nuclear deal it signed with Obama might not last after he leaves office. Blatantly communicating with a foreign nation behind the President's back to undermine current negotiations? Is that not treason?
By Michael Snyder
Nearly At "Full Employment"? 10 Reasons Why The Unemployment Numbers Are A Massive Lie
If jobs are "easy to get," then those who are chronically unemployed must have "something wrong" with them. That is the message that we are being given. If the mainstream media says that unemployment has gone way down, then anyone that is still unemployed must be really "lazy," right?
Needed in School: 140 Characters
Many of our schools have become dry, lifeless places. Joy and spirited emotions have been replaced by fear, generated by masters from afar. These remote overseers -- politicians, policy makers, test prep executives -- have decided that tests and numbers and drills and worksheets and threats and ultimatums will somehow improve the learning process. The engine that fuels this nefarious agenda is the imposition of mandatory testing, an initiative that insults teachers and students, and sucks the life out of our schools.
Paul Treanor's great philosophical and correct discussion of 'why Libertarianism' is wrong.... Paul Treanor studied Political Science at the Universiteit van Amserdam. He maintains an active web site that follows his interests and includes a list of his publications.
It is impossible to understand the crisis in Ukraine in terms of Russian aggression.
A last minute rush of donations from wealthy people in and out of Chicago could buy the election for Rahm Emanuel.
this past weekend, when many gathered in Selma to commemorate the 50th anniversary of a great turning point in the struggle for racial justice in America, an Alabama legislator was interviewed on MSNBC about where the struggle stands today. She spoke of fights over voting rights and so many other issues. Yet she also spoke, hopefully, of efforts to pass legislation to provide for independent review of officer-involved deaths.
It's safe to say that no president in modern times has had his legitimacy questioned by the opposition party as much as Barack Obama. But as his term in office enters its final phase, Republicans are embarking on an entirely new enterprise: They have decided that as long as he holds the office of the presidency, it's no longer necessary to respect the office itself. This news is nothing short of stunning: A group of 47 Republican senators has written an open letter to Iran's leaders warning them that any nuclear deal they sign with President Barack Obama's administration won't last after Obama leaves office.
If we accept prostitution as legal, we will take one more collective step toward the global plantation being constructed by our corporate pimps.
The original idea of the CIA was to have independent-minded experts assessing both short- and longer-term threats to U.S. national security. Mixing with operations and politics was always a danger, which is now highlighted by CIA Director Brennan's reorganization, opposed by a group of U.S. intelligence veterans.
Obama declares Venezuela a threat to US national security
President Barack Obama issued an executive order on Monday declaring Venezuela a national security threat, sanctioning seven individuals and expressing concern about the Venezuelan government's treatment of political opponents.The seven individuals named in the order would have their property and interests in the United States blocked or frozen and they would be denied entry into the United States. U.S. citizens would also be prohibited from doing business with them.
By accessing your DNA, the government will soon know everything else about you that they don't already know: your family chart, your ancestry, what you look like, your health history, your inclination to follow orders or chart your own course, etc.
Corporations and the wealthy use complexity and secrecy combined to operate under the radar. This is a big deal-- an approach and system that was a real shock to me. Imagine-- a bank with thousands of subsidiary operations. I'm not talking about branch outlets for the public. I'm talking about subsidiaries created to hide what is being done by whom and what.
By Dave Lefcourt
A not so Veiled Threat to Iran Ah the chutzpah of the Repubs believing they have a mandate after last yrs. elections giving them control of both houses of Congress. The latest ploy is 47 Senate Repubs writing an open letter the Iranian's saying any deal Obama makes w/o legislative approval could be revoked by the next prez w/ "the stroke of a pen". But it's a not so veiled threat to Iran for committing the unforgivable sin of not succumbing to US hegemony.
By earl ofari hutchinson
Racist Video Casts Ugly Glare on College's Blind Eye to Frat Racism Five years before the racist video by the disgraced Oklahoma University fraternity Alpha Sigma Epsilon ignited a firestorm of student and public rage, hundreds of students and faculty members were up in arms over the "Compton Cook Out" at the University of California, San Diego and several other UC campuses. The protests didn't stop racist, bad behaving fraternities from being just that, racist, bad behaving fraternities. In q
By Elayne Clift
The Myth of a Model Country Gun violence, wage inequality, racism and more - how can we say America is a model country?
Coca-Cola Forced To Shut Bottling Plant in India
Coca-Cola, the world's largest beverage producer, has been ordered to shut down its bottling plant in Varanasi, India following local complaints that the company was drawing excessive amounts of groundwater. After an investigation, government authorities ruled that the company had violated its operating license.
Tulsa's Night to Honor Israel, one of numerous such events being held across the country, came just five days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made an impassioned plea before the U.S. Congress urging America to do whatever is necessary to keep Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Several speakers cited that address in their remarks. The Rev. Sharon Daugherty, co-founding pastor of Victory, said she thought Netanyahu's speech to Congress was historic. "We're in an hour when we need to have a strong voice (in support of Israel)" said Daugherty. Keynote speaker U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., said Netanyahu's speech was one of the best ever in America, likening it to a speech by Patrick Henry before the American Revolutionary War. He said Israel and the United States have not faced a greater threat than Iran, even in the Cold War with Russia, when the policy of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) prevented a nuclear holocaust. "We're in the most threatened position in the history of our country," he said.
Russian authorities said on Sunday they had charged two men over the killing of Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov and said one of them was a former senior policeman from the mainly Muslim region of Chechnya who had confessed to involvement in the crime. The two were among five men, all ethnic Chechens, frogmarched into a Moscow courtroom on Sunday, forced by masked security officers gripping their bound arms to walk doubled over. Associates of Nemtsov say they will not be satisfied unless prosecutors track down whoever orchestrated the killing, rather than just the people who pulled the trigger. There was no word from investigators on who the suspects were alleged to have been working for.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE), the fraternity that was kicked off of the University of Oklahoma's campus Sunday night after video emerged of some of its members singing a racist chant that celebrates lynching, proudly touts its history on its website. "Sigma Alpha Epsilon is the only national fraternity founded in the antebellum South," the fraternity's national webpage explains, adding that the frat was "[f]ounded in a time of intense sectional feeling." The video that thrust SAE's University of Oklahoma chapter into the national spotlight certainly has echoes of the old South. It consists of a segregationist refrain repeated over and over again -- "there will never be a ni**** in SAE" -- interspersed with an allusion to the campaign of terrorism white supremacists once used to maintain Jim Crow rule in the South: "You can hang 'em from a tree, but he'll never sign with me."
This piece gives voice to a liberal frustration that I rarely hear. I find myself surrounded by family and friends who are convinced that a Hillary Clinton candidacy is the ticket to liberal Democratic paradise. Those rose colored glasses may be dangerous for the progressive cause. Waldman makes the point here, that: yes, the "scandals" reported about her may be overblown, but her behavior before and after that reporting are not helping. And this doesn't even address the issue of how liberal Hillary really is.
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