2015년 3월 4일 수요일

Always Travel With Sun Protection

Women's Health
Daily Newsletter  |  March 04, 2015
Everyday Health
Today's Top Story
Always Travel With Sun Protection
Whether you're lying on the beach, hitting the slopes, or exploring a new city, the sun's rays can damage your skin.
Take these precautions to prevent sunburn.  »
Always Travel With Sun Protection
Featured Article
Beat Stubborn Breakouts
Blemishes can rear their ugly heads at any age. If you're dealing with stubborn pimples, use this as your daily checklist for clearer skin.
Take these steps to win the war against acne.  »
Beat Stubborn Breakouts
Today's Recipe
Ginger Coconut Chicken
In this easy recipe, basic chicken breasts get a boost from the delicious and exotic flavors of southern India: coconut milk, dried red chile peppers, and exotic and versatile coriander seed.
Get the recipe!  »
Ginger Coconut Chicken
Featured Columnist
Yoga Pose: Side Angle Pose
The side angle pose tones and strengthens your legs, and stretches your hamstrings and groin. Mandy Ingber, celebrity fitness and wellness adviser and yoga expert, provides step-by-step instructions.
Try this pose today!  »
Yoga Pose: Side Angle Pose
Everyday Solutions
Menopause and You: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great
Menopause can affect you emotionally and physically. Learn how to manage hot flashes, mood swings, and other common symptoms.
Go to the guide.

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