2014년 12월 22일 월요일

Of Course Fluoride Is Safe... as Long as You Don't Swallow It!

Sexy Forver
Monday December 22
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Of Course Fluoride Is Safe... as Long as You Don't Swallow It!
Ever seen the standard warning on a toothpaste tube? Fluoride is poisonous, but supposedly, a little bit of poison is okay. Swallow too much, though, and you'll need to call Poison Control. Wow! It's been shown that fluoride doesn't actually prevent tooth decay and, in fact, it may even hurt your health.   Here's how to cut back on your exposure to fluoride.

Featured Recipe: Sautéed Bok Choy
If you've never tried it, bok choy is one awesome vegetable. Delicious, healthy and versatile, it tastes great dropped in soups, tossed up in a sautés, or even eaten raw in salads. In this recipe, the leaves get tender and sweet from the soy sauce. It's seriously good. Try it!  Get the recipe!


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