2014년 12월 22일 월요일

What Exactly Are Processed Foods?

Sunday December 21
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The Fuel
What Exactly Are "Processed Foods"?
Processed foods are a major contributor to weight gain, and they can harm your health in many ways. Processed food is anything that has been altered from its natural state. It can be fruit that has been canned with chemical preservatives; it can be dehydrated fruits or vegetables, canned soda, or oils that have been chemically altered to increase their shelf life and enhance their flavor.
Use these tips to spot processed foods »

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The Regimen
Tough Love Works!
Jillian's no-nonsense approach to health and happiness has helped thousands of people transform their lives for the better. Check out these five tough-love techniques, take a look in the mirror, and then commit to changing your life.
Get these get tough tips »

The Challenge
Move of the Week: Rock Star Jump
This hard-core cardio move is not for the weak! You don't need any equipment — just your own body weight. This jump will work nearly every muscle in your legs, plus your glutes and abs. Start jumping!
Watch a video of this exercise »

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