2015년 1월 20일 화요일

Meal Planning Made Easy

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 January 20, 2015
Not sure whether the Sonoma Diet online program is for you? Then try our 7-Day trial offer for FREE! Not only will you have access to hundreds of healthy, delicious recipes, but you'll be able to track your success with our digital tools and get support from an online community when you need it. Don't wait...start shedding pounds now!

Meal Planning Made Easy

Think you can't find time to eat healthier? Sometimes it takes just a few minutes to put fresh, nutritious food on the table. If you're having trouble getting motivated, remember that your time investment will have a major payoff: a healthier you! Hear what Bob, a Sonoma member, has to say about changing his eating habits:
"If you only take time to think about what you're eating when you're looking at the menu board at the fast-food drive-through, it's time to start making some healthier choices. Ancient civilizations devoted the vast majority of their existence to the search for food! That means you can spend 20 minutes in the kitchen to cook more flavorful meals with a better nutritional balance. The payoff is that you'll achieve a healthier weight."
The New Sonoma Diet makes cooking healthy, delicious food a snap! Get yourself into the kitchen, and on the way to weight loss today.

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Tomorrow:  Broccoli: A Gourmet Power Food

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Connie's Tip of the Day

Assemble, Don't Cook

If you can't stand the idea of slaving over a hot stove, think of cold dishes that you can create with a minimal amount of work. Bagged pre-washed greens and cooked pieces of chicken breast make for a quick salad. For a snack, try hummus and pieces of whole-wheat pita bread. Take a peek inside your fridge. You may not have to stop at the stove on the way to the table!


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