FBI asserts right to monitor cell phones without a warrant
The Obama administration has already let people know they have "no reasonable expectation of privacy" when they use their cell phones, so it shouldn't be surprising that the FBI claims it has the right to install fake cell phone towers and "use them to track cell phones' locations and users while intercepting the contents of calls and texts."
A couple of senators are making a show of pretending to be concerned, and have issued a press release that calls for "broader understanding of the full range of law enforcement agencies that use this technology, the policies in place to protect the privacy interests of those whose information might be collected using these devices, and the legal process that DOJ and DHS entities seek prior to using them."
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Roxanne's Revenge!
The "Roxanne Wars" of the '80s officially begin with this song by 14 yr old Roxanne Shante in this week's Hip Hop Family Tree strip by Ed Piskor. Read the rest...
Preview of Henni, by Miss Lasko-Gross
In a fantastical world where old traditions and religion dominate every aspect of life, lives a girl named Henni. Unlike most in her village, Henni questions and wonders what the world is like as she comes of age. Read the rest...
WATCH: UFO releases orb
The guy who posted this video claims he recorded it in Southern California. What is it?
I was driving home after work when this UFO or whatever you call it caught my eye.
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