2015년 2월 22일 일요일

Carolyn Hax -- Feb 22, 2015 -- He knocked. She didn’t answer. Now, he’s closed the door.

The Washington Post
Carolyn Hax
Sun., Feb. 22, 2015
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He knocked. She didn’t answer. Now, he’s closed the door.
Dear Carolyn:

I recently had occasion to drop off a package at my granddaughter’s afternoon preschool. Believing I was doing my daughter-in-law (DIL) a favor, I timed my drive to stop at my son and DIL’s house to pick up my granddaughter and save my DIL the trip to the school. Admittedly, I stopped unannounced, but we have a good relationship and often visit each other’s houses unannounced.   Read full article »

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