2015년 2월 22일 일요일

Wild and wacky news from wesh 2

Wild & Wacky



Georgia dog with unusual genes is a social media hit

Rami, pit bull- dachsund mix, is now top dog

Rami, a Georgia dog that is the offspring of the most unlikely of canine partners -- the short legged, long bodied dachshund and the larger,...
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Diamond merchant buys Narendra Modi's suit at auction
Pool via CNN

Indian PM's suit fetches more than $690,000 at auction

A diamond merchant plunked down $691,890 to buy India's most famous suit, owned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who wore it to a meeting with...
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Beautiful star arrivals

Jennifer Lawrence, November 2014 file photo
Kevin Winter/Getty Images
When it comes to making a truly memorable entrance, few people can upstage celebrities. Join us for a look...
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Dog helps save best buddy

Dog helps save best friend
A small dog saves his best friend's life, and it's caught on camera. 
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