2015년 2월 22일 일요일

How to Lose 4 Pounds a Week

Sunday February 22
Sunday February 22
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Join Now!Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Today!
Having trouble fitting in fitness now that it's gotten a bit colder? Join JillianMichaels.com today to get all of the fitness and weight-loss tools you need to succeed. PLUS, when you sign up today, you'll get one week FREE and a mystery gift from Jillian!

The Results
How Much, How Fast?
Losing weight is all about figuring out how to burn more calories in the most effective way. You need to know your base metabolic rate (BMR) and how many calories you eat a day to determine how much to eat and exercise.
Tips for staying on track »

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The Results
The Best Advice for Maintaining Your Weight
Did you hit your goal weight? Bravo! I know for some of you, your number one fear is gaining that weight back but don't worry! You can continue to keep it off with the right attitude, commitment, and weight management plan.
Learn how to stay at your goal weight »

The Challenge
Move of the Week: Russian Twists
Want six-pack abs? This is a full-on abdominal routine that works the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques, and transverse abs.
Perfect this move »

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