Week 2 - Play with your Food
Chemistry is all around us, including the foods we eat. The vitamins and minerals in foods are chemicals. So are the substances that given foods their color, taste, and scent. Here are some activities that involve the science of everyday foods.
Let's Try It!
Ooey Gooey Slime
There are lots of ways to make slime, but this is one of the best recipes. Slime is fun to play with, but it isn't good to eat. It will clean up easily with warm water (unless you color it with food coloring, so watch where you put colored slime).
Food Chemistry Quiz Do you think you know about the chemistry of foods? Here's your chance to test your knowledge. Can you answer all ten multiple choice questions correctly?
Make Invisible Ink There are several household materials that you can use to make invisible ink, including your own saliva! This how-to uses baking soda, which is almost as easy to find as spit (and much healthier).
Learn More About Food Chemistry
All Kid-Friendly Projects
I have more ways to make slime and invisible ink and a lot of other projects. My site also has a lot of grown-up projects, but there's an entire section of activities just right for kids. You can make volcanos, lava lamps, and more!
Food Science Fair Project Ideas The kitchen is a great place to visit for science fair projects. You can see what 'ingredients' you have to design a project that you can do without a lot of trouble or expense.
Got Questions?
Visit the Chemistry Forum
If you are age 13 or older you can ask and answer questions at the chemistry forum. Forum members include anyone interested in chemistry. You'll find scientists, engineers, students, parents, and other people just like you with an interest in chemistry.
Looking for More Projects?
Fun Activities for Kids
Here's a list of some of the most popular science projects for bored kids. These activities are safe and use common household materials.
Best Science Toys Sometimes you might prefer to purchase an educational toy rather than start a project from scratch. Are you looking for ideas for good toys? Here's the list I made for myself to jog my own memory before my kids' birthdays and other holidays.
Home Chemistry Kit Here's a list of projects that you can do at home. I've included a list of common supplies you might want to have in order to start up a home chemistry lab. For each project, I've listed the materials and stated an appropriate age range.
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