Radioactive-Looking Slime
Making slime is probably the classic science project. There are actually several different slime recipes, but the one that make slippery radioactive-looking slime is my favorite.
Slime for You and Slime for Me
Slipper and Gooey
Now, what you may not know about slime is that you can use it for other purposes. It makes great ectoplasmic ooze or fake snot for Halloween. You can coat toy aliens with it. You can make it any color you want, so it can also be used to simulate waterfalls or lava.
Learn About Polymers
Polymer Science Fair Project Ideas
Slime is a polymer, which means it consists of subunits which have been cross-linked together. Polymers you might encounter in daily life would include plastics and gelatin. With a little thought, you could use polymers as part of a science fair project.
Make Fake Snow Sodium polyacrylate is another polymer. This polymer is used in disposable diapers and as a soil treatment. Another of its uses is to make fake snow.
Why Do Clothes Wrinkle? The answer to this mystery lies in the behavior of polymers when they encounter water. Understanding why clothes wrinkle was one of the keys to developing fabrics that are wrinkle-free.
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Science Project Photo Gallery Are you looking for more projects to try? Check out this photo gallery of science projects.
Science Quizzes Ok, so you can do cool science projects, but how much do you know about science? Test yourself with one of these quick multiple choice quizzes!
Chemistry Activities for Kids E-Course Here's another free newsletter that might interest you. Are you ready for kid-friendly chemistry activities and games? Each e-course newsletter features safe projects, games or quizzes, and links for additional learning. Learn about the elements, grow crystals, and more! When you sign up you'll get one newsletter a week until you've gotten them all. Sign me up!
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