2015년 2월 4일 수요일

Data Weekly Update: Sector Roadmap: Hadoop/Data Warehouse Interoperability

This Week In Data

Wednesday, February 04


Cloud BI competition heats up while Apache projects move up

The holiday season news drought in data and analytics is definitely over. A bunch of announcements from commercial vendors, and others from the open source world, have hit in the last week, and two hit just yesterday. Let’s start with Microsoft which, hot off its Windows 10 and […]
by Andrew BrustJanuary 28, 2015


Sector Roadmap: Hadoop/Data Warehouse Interoperability

With virtually every Hadoop distribution vendor offering SQL-on-Hadoop solutions, the key factor in the market is now the integration between Hadoop and data warehouse technology. Subscriber content. Sign up for a free trial
by George GilbertJanuary 29, 2015

Real-time Metrics for Improved Business Operations and Agility

The value of leveraging real-time operational metrics for data has proven itself, but finding the most useful approach towards applying it remains elusive for most businesses. Subscriber content. Sign up for a free trial
by David S. LinthicumJanuary 26, 2015

Outlook: Media and consumer tech in 2015

In 2015 expect the payoff for video ad tech to begin, sharp growth for OTT, and more legal battles for net neutrality. Subscriber content. Sign up for a free trial
by Paul SweetingDecember 30, 2014


Spark and Tez out of phase 

by Andrew Brust

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