Week 2 - Carbon
Carbon is the element most commonly associated with life. It's also one of the elements which you have probably seen in essentially pure form, as 'carbon black' from the complete combustion (burning) of a fuel, such as wood.
Element Facts
Periodic Table Entry for Carbon
Carbon is a special element! It's one of the elements which exists free in nature. The atomic weights listed in the Periodic Table are all based on the weight of one of carbon's isotopes, carbon-12. Learn more about carbon...
Organic Chemistry Organic chemistry is essentially the study of carbon and its reactions. You'll also find carbonnot associated with life, as in diamond, so don't assume that all carbon reactions are organic.
Biochemistry Biochemistry might be thought of as a specialized branch of organic chemistry, dealing specifically with the chemical reactions that take place within living systems. There's a lot of carbon here!
Firework Periodic Table - Carbon In addition to the 'normal' periodic table of the elements, I also have a specialized periodic table for elements found in fireworks. Carbon is an important element in fireworks. Do you know why?
Element Photo Gallery Do you want to know what all of the elements look like? Here's a photo gallery that showcases the pure elements. Most of the photographs are public domain so you can download them and use them yourself.
Interesting Carbon Compounds
Chemistry of Diamond
Diamond is a crystal form of carbon. Carbon black is, well, black. Diamond, on the other hand, is perfectly clear in its pure state. The presence of other elements can result in a colored diamond or one that glows with fluorescence. Tell me more...
How to Make Black Powder Black powder or gunpowder is one of the interesting materials made using carbon, in addition to sulfur and saltpeter. These are the instructions for making black powder, along with some historical information about this important substance.
Make Your Own Fog One of the oxides of carbon is carbon dioxide, which naturally occurs in air. When carbon dioxide freezes, the resulting solid is called 'dry ice'. Dry ice readily returns to its vapor form. You can take advantage of the property to make your own 'smoke' or fog.
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