2015년 2월 24일 화요일

Modern tech, retro style: 10 products that take you back to the future

ITworld Tonight
February 24, 2015

Modern tech, retro style: 10 products that take you back to the future

Taking tech back in time for fun and (sometimes) functionality. READ MORE

Issue highlights


Critical remote code execution flaw patched in Samba

Security researchers are urging users to install new Samba security updates in order to address a critical vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code with root privileges. READ MORE

WIN THIS BOOK: Core Java for the Impatient

We've got 5 copies to give to some lucky readers. Enter for your chance to win! READ MORE

5 Safari plug-ins for a better browsing experience

Eliminate ads, Flash animations, and other scourges of the Internet from view with these useful tools. READ MORE

Google is reportedly working on Chromebook Pixel 2

The next Chromebook Pixel may have the latest Intel chips. READ MORE

CIOs reveal their worst nightmares

What keeps CIOs awake at night? Worrying about security, downtime and acquiring the right talent, according to a recent survey. READ MORE

Are metaverse pioneers making the same old security mistakes?

Ask security pros what they would change about the Internet if they could go back in time knowing what they know now, and most can point to a list of mistakes we could have avoided. But according to some experts, we're still making the same mistakes today, with the development of the 3D virtual reality metaverse. READ MORE

IBM brings location awareness to MobileFirst apps

Enterprise apps built with IBM’s MobileFirst management and development platform can now be made more aware of their surroundings. READ MORE

I'm so frustrated with my cable TV provider!

I had a particularly bad TV weekend and it has me once again thinking about cutting the cord, but I'd really rather cable TV providers get their act together and start delivering a quality service. READ MORE

YouTube Kids has 'no minefields for parents,' group says

Common Sense Media, a nonprofit that rates various media for kids, families and schools, gave the app a decent review and noted that “there aren’t any real minefields for parents to worry about.” READ MORE
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