2015년 2월 21일 토요일

This Week at Gapingvoid

gapingvoid: business transformation through art 
Brands forget this.

They get caught in the "Me, me, me!" trap.

When really, it's about being the bridge between people. Not the center of the conversation.

Companies get so big, they forget to talk to themselves. The only thing moving in between silos becomes the customer. This is a really bad place to be.

Luckily, all you have to do to fix it? Start a conversation.
The one thing all entrepreneurs have in common: they're endlessly driven to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary.

If you know someone like that in your life, who would enjoy this little reminder of their awesomeness, "Allergic to Mediocrity" can be purchased here.

"I work, we do." The CEO of Ditech said this to us in a meeting, and I liked it so much I drew this cartoon.

It's about knowing how you fit into the whole. Everyone working together, doing their part.

A company can share work, do their part in separate silos and get it done. But people won't feel a sense of purpose until they actually work together.

When we glorify "busy", when we lose focus - that's when the waves start crashing over the deck.

As long as we remember what's really important, we can get anywhere we need to go. 
This is a piece we recently did for a corporate client, who wanted to shake things up internally (Not surprising, people who want to shake things up internally in their companies are our main client base).

[From Wikipedia:]

A cross-functional team is a group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal.[1] It may include people from finance,marketingoperations, and human resources departments. Typically, it includes employees from all levels of an organization. Members may also come from outside an organization (in particular, from suppliers, key customers, or consultants).

It’s too easy to become monocultural/echo chamber in these large organizations. And that’s where the rot sets in. People get too comfortable with the familiar, and too threatened by the unfamiliar.

Cross-functioning is a great way to shake things up, just like our client said. Exactly.
You know that old phrase we keep trotting out - "the best businesses are part of something larger"?

VMware is one of those businesses. We've been working together on their culture, and it's an exciting time to be there because they are poised to take over their industry...

4 new products. A partnership with Google. A bunch of great services for their enterprise clients. Creating not just the future of tech, but the future of business. Paying attention to what people really want - clients AND employees.

Above is some client work we did for them around their core beliefs. You know a company is living its message when what's in the news matches what's on their walls. Exactly.
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