2015년 2월 21일 토요일

Wild and wacky news from wesh 2

Wild & Wacky



Diamond merchant buys Narendra Modi's suit at auction
Pool via CNN

Indian PM's suit fetches more than $690,000 at auction

A diamond merchant plunked down $691,890 to buy India's most famous suit, owned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who wore it to a meeting with...
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wedding invite

Wedding invite to parents: Don't come

It looked like any ornate wedding invite, but it's what it said that has people buzzing.
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Beautiful star arrivals

Jennifer Lawrence, November 2014 file photo
Kevin Winter/Getty Images
When it comes to making a truly memorable entrance, few people can upstage celebrities. Join us for a look...
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Teens survive frigid night after being stranded in deep snow

Teens survive night in Maine woods after getting lost on snowmobile
The Maine Warden Service says two snowmobiling teens have been found safe after a night in the western...
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