2015년 2월 8일 일요일

What Does Your Pancreas Do?

 Sunday, February 08, 2015
pancreasHow Well Do You Know Your Pancreas?
This 6-inch-long gland helps control your blood sugar, but do you know exactly how it works? Can you live without it? Get the facts.
Surprising Sources of Hidden Sugar
How to avoid sneaky sugar culprits at the supermarket, in restaurants, and at home.
Proven Quit-Smoking Tactics
Lighting up is very risky if you have diabetes. These tips can help you get through the tough early days after kicking the habit.
Are You at Risk for Diabetes?
Get the facts about type 2, and find out which risk factors you can control.
22 Best Diet Tips Ever
Forget drastic measures. You can make small changes that will add up when it comes to dropping extra pounds.
The 7-Minute Workout
In a serious time crunch? Try this ultra-condensed workout to sneak some fitness into your day.
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