2015년 2월 5일 목요일

Zapping Away Mental Disorders | Monkey Facial Recognition | Is Polygamy Natural

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Mental Images
Many Mental Disorders Affect Same Brain Regions
A review of neuroimaging studies suggests that psychiatric conditions affect some of the same brain areas
Monkey Faces
Monkey Mustaches and Beards Help Algorithm Recognize Faces
A computer method can tell apart individual guenon monkeys, a group of monkeys with up to 36 Old-World primate species, but it can't tell the monkeys' sex or age.

What's Hot
Earth Life

Life Might Thrive 12 Miles Beneath Earth's Surface

New research offers evidence of bacteria living as deep as 12 miles (19 kilometers) underground — quite possibly the deepest life has ever been glimpsed.
Naturally Monogamous

Both Monogamy and Polygamy May Be Natural for Humans

Both men and women may sort into two groups with very different mating strategies of seeking either casual encounters or devoted pair bonds.
Tai Chi

What is Tai Chi?

Tai chi is a self-defense and calisthenics technique developed in China centuries ago. Studies have documented numerous health benefits.

Measles: Symptoms & Treatment

Measles is one of the most contagious infectious diseases. Ninety percent of the people who stand near someone with the virus will become infected.

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