2015년 3월 10일 화요일

Actor Model in Halo 4, Java Money and Currency API, F#, Angular 2.0, JXcore, Kanban and Devops, Machine Learning

InfoQ Newsletter

Kwonki, in this issue, March 10, 2015

DevelopmentJava.NETDynamic Languages,Cloud ComputingMobileProcess & Practices,Architecture & DesignOperations & InfrastructureEnterprise Architecture 

Service Virtualization For Dummies - Learn how service virtualization fits into the big picture of software quality, and how to deliver more robust software by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of your testing processes, while reducing testing downtime and testing cost. Download Now.

14 Tutorials confirmed for QCon New York 2015

Some of the 14 confirmed tutorials include: Creating Android Apps in Java; Creating iOS Apps in Swift; Reactive programming in JavaScript; Scaling technology and organizations together, a CTO’s guide; Systems Thinking; The Go Programming Language; Introduction to Docker and containers, Advanced Docker concepts and container orchestration and more. Register before Mar 14th and save $500!

Development Latest Content

Interview with Mike McQuaid about Git in Practice

Mike McQuaid, Software Engineer at GitHub, has written "Git in Practice" which provides over 60 techniques for working with and managing Git projects. InfoQ caught up with Mike, and asked about it, including his advice for teams considering migrating to Git and what tools to use. (Article)
Achieving Continuous QA in DevOps.
This eBook covers general best practices for a
DevOps (or traditional operations) organization and
how a Quality Assurance step can help catch and
eliminate errors earlier. Learn More.

Java Latest Content

Spring Framework - Today, Past and Future

Spring may not be in the air just yet but Juergen Hoeller, co-founder of the Spring Framework and project lead and release manager talks to InfoQ about how Spring has managed to stay relevant with developers by adapting to the changes in the underlying infrastructure such as Cloud, Big Data, NoSQL and so on. He talks about the Spring ecosystem and about the future of Spring including Spring 5.0. (Interview)

Go for the Money! JSR 354 Adds First Class Money and Currency Support to Java

First class money and currency support in Java are almost here. In this article Credit Suisse's Anatole Tresch, JSR 354 spec lead, discusses the shortcomings of the legacy currency and money support, motivation for the new APIs, with lots of examples. (Article)

Building a Recommendation Engine with Spring and Hadoop

Michael Minella uses Spring XD and Spring Batch to orchestrate the full lifecycle of Hadoop processing (ingest, process, export) and uses Apache Mahout to provide the audience with an example of recommendation processing. (Presentation)

Debugging Java 8: New Techniques for Fixing Production Code

Tal Weiss discusses some essential tools and advanced techniques Java developers can use in their code to debug live servers and resolve errors quickly. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 8-12, 2015. Join us!

How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Lambda

Todd Montgomery discusses how Java 8 has fared with a few new high performance network projects. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 8-12, 2015. Join us!

.NET Latest Content

Mathias Brandewinder on F# for Data Science

Mathias Brandewinder explains why F# is well suited for data science: the REPL, type providers for seamless data access, functional programming concepts and much more. (Interview)

Top .NET News Headlines

ASP.NET5 Advances in VS2015 CTP6

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

JavaScript is Cool…and the Market is Hot

JavaScript developers are in demand and now is the time to ride the wave. What are recruiters looking for and how can developers upgrade their skills to meet the needs of companies? Authors Areos Ledesma and Will Asrari discuss the JavaScript job market and how developers can prosper. (Article)
DevOps ToolChain for Beginners
This eMag aims at providing an overview of an example set of tools that would constitute a typical DevOps toolchain. These are popular tools today, but you should look at them as illustrations of the kind of tasks and workflows you might need to perform in your organization as you move along a DevOps path. (eMag)

Cloud Computing Latest Content

Cloud Security Auditing: Challenges and Emerging Approaches

Security audits are an important part of IT security programs. In this article, the authors highlight the challenges in cloud computing business models, based on interviews with cloud security auditors. They talk about the challenges in the areas of transparency, encryption and colocation, and domain-tailored audits as an ideal solution in the new model. (Article)
Cloudy with 100% Visibility
This white paper will help you understand
how you can achieve end-to-end performance
visibility no matter where your application -
or parts of it - are running. Learn More.

Mobile Latest Content

Mobile Survey Q1 2015: Platform Status, Swift Adoption and Revenue

The recently published survey "State of the Developer Nation Q1 2015", conducted by VisionMobile, analyzes the key mobile developer trends including the status of mobile platforms, Swift and revenue. (News)
A Guide to REST and API Design - Learn about
architectural styles vs. standards, the difference
between connectors and components, using
URIs for identification, media types for
representation, and more. Download Now.

Process & Practices Latest Content

Lee Cunningham on Talking to Executives About Agile

At the recent Agile Singapore conference Lee Cunningham provided advice for Agile champions on how to align Agile with the goals and priorities of senior executives, to garner their support by linking the benefits of agile adoption with the ability to address the things that keep senior leaders up at night. (Article)

Perspectives On Agile Software Testing - Book Review

On the occasion of Selenium's 10th Birthday celebration, a bunch of ThoughtWorkers have compiled an anthology of essays on testing approaches, tools and culture. This anthology of essays is available as an eBook, titled - "Perspectives on Agile Software Testing". (Article)

Q&A with Patrick Kua About Talking with Tech Leads

When developers become Tech Leads they have to find a balance between leading teams and continuing to do technical work. The book Talking with Tech Leads contains stories from Tech Leads on situations, challenges and approaches for leading teams. It explores the role and activities of technical leaders, and provides suggestions for how to deal with the responsibilities that come with technical leadership. (Article)

Designing for Human Cooperation

Attila Bujdoso presents two projects designing infrastructures for human cooperation: ‘Format’ studies cultural formats of cooperation; ‘opp.io’ is about designing a new technological protocol for collaboration. (Presentation)

Making Large-scale Agile Work for 1000+ People, 50 Teams

Alexis Hui and Raj Mudhar share the experience of a large organization that became agile, having 50 scrum teams across 5 locations and delivering an integrated product with a 2 week release cycle. (Presentation)

No Projects/Beyond Project

Allan Kelly examines the project model and shows how it fails to match software development, outlining an alternative to it and advising on what companies need to do to achieve that. (Presentation)

Impact Mapping - Making an Impact over Shipping Software

Em Campbell-Pretty overviews how to create an Impact Map, sharing real world examples of how impact mapping has helped support the delivery of software products. (Presentation)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

Asychronous Design with Spring and RTI: 1M Events per Second

Stuart Williams takes a walk through the RTI architecture and explains how Spring performs at hundreds (and millions) of events/operations per second, and the techniques to use in Spring applications to minimize resource utilization and gain performance. (Presentation)

Machine Learning for Programming

Peter Norvig keynotes on using machine learning techniques to solve more general software problems, helping both the advanced programmer and the novice one. (Presentation)

Become a Data-driven Organization with Machine Learning

Peter Harrington explains what you do with machine learning, and what the building blocks are for an application that uses machine learning from collected data to creating predictions for customers. (Presentation)

Apps + Data + Cloud: What Does It All Mean?

Matt Stine presents how to combine Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Reactor, Spring XD, and Hadoop and run them in the cloud. (Presentation)

Operations & Infrastructure Latest Content

Consul: Service-oriented at Scale

Armon Dadgar presents Consul, a distributed control plane for the datacenter. Armon demonstrates how Consul can be used to build, configure, monitor, and orchestrate distributed systems. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 8-12, 2015. Join us!
Web APIs: From Start to Finish
This eMag contains a collection of articles and interviews from late 2014 with some of the leading practitioners and theorists in the Web API field. The material here takes the reader on a journey from determining the business case for APIs to a design methodology, meeting implementation challenges, and taking the long view on maintaining public APIs on the Web over time. (eMag)

Enterprise Architecture Latest Content

REST: I don't Think it Means What You Think it Does

Stefan Tilkov makes a pragmatic introduction to the basic principles of the Web's architectural approach, and takes a look at the most common misconceptions. (Presentation)
Continuous Testing as part of the DevOps Lifecycle
Application Release & Deployment for Dummies
7 Proven Practices to Strengthen Release Management
The Top 10 Enterprise NoSQL Use Cases
Forrester Research: Onboard The Business to Your Cloud Strategy
5 Key Phases in Creating a Successful Mobile App

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