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France: New National Law Bans WIFI in Nursery School!
Putin appears to be a decent person who has made great strides in restoring Russia's economy after it was looted by agents of the US following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. He has lifted living standards, increased pensions, reduced poverty, and improved education and health care which is why his public approval ratings are currently hovering at an eye-watering 86 percent.
I couldn't believe how happy the mob of mostly young men in Dimapur, Nagaland looked in their euphoria celebrating the lynching of an alleged rapist who also happens to be migrant labor from another state of India.
The Speech, like all speeches by Netanyahu, contained much about the suffering of the Jews throughout the ages, and the intentions of the evil Iranians, the New Nazis, to annihilate us. But this will not happen, because this time we have Binyamin Netanyahu to protect us. And the US Republicans, of course.
Mossad has repudiated Netanyahu's political manipulation of the Iran threat. Since 2012, at least Israeli intelligence has agreed with US intelligence that Iran has not made any decision to try to acquire nuclear weapons. And a series of Mossad chiefs have taken the unprecedented step openly rejecting Netanyahu's use of the term "existential threat."
The unemployment rate dropped because the labor force shrunk. If the economy was in recovery, the labor force would be growing and the labor force participation rate would be rising. The 295,000 claimed new jobs are highly suspect. For example, the report claims 32,000 new retail jobs, but the Census Bureau reports that retail sales declined in December and January.
20 signs that we live in a culture that dehumanizes women and tolerates, if not promotes, violence against them.
By Samuel Vargo
A 'Sin Eater's' Mess: DOJ's Report Freeing Darren Wilson of Blame and 26 Recommendations for Fixing the Ferguson Police
The U.S. Department of Justice's report, issued Wednesday, March 4, in a set of two-tiered, separate set of legal findings and opinions only muddles up the current state of law and order in not only Ferguson, but in the United State of America, overall.
The Department of Justice is planning to bring criminal corruption charges against Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), a U.S. official confirmed Friday. The charges are expected to relate to an investigation involving a Florida ophthalmologist who is a close ally and donor to the senator. Menendez's relationship with the Florida ophthalmologist, Salomon Melgen, has been under scrutiny for more than two years. On Capitol Hill, Menendez has maintained a prominent role among Senate Democrats in recent months, even after losing his gavel as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee as Republicans assumed control of the Senate.
By Rob Kall
Facilitating a Disruptive Emergence To Replace the Existing Elite System Running the Planet
We need to find a solution to the current elite, toxic world system. Would that solution be a revolution, a system revision... or the facilitation of a disruptive emergence that replaces the current system?
By Jan Baumgartner
Glimmer of Hope After Arson Fires Destroy 35K Acres at Gallmann Africa Conservancy
Amidst thousands of acres of scorched earth, Gallmann manages to find a glimmer of hope and determination to keep Ol ari Nyiro a refuge for research, education, community, and a safe habitat for all things precious and wild.
Mars: The planet that lost an ocean's worth of water -- ScienceDaily
A primitive ocean on Mars held more water than Earth's Arctic Ocean, and covered a greater portion of the planet's surface than the Atlantic Ocean does on Earth, according to new results published today. An international team of scientists used ESO's Very Large Telescope, along with instruments at the W. M. Keck Observatory and the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, to monitor the atmosphere of the planet and map out the properties of the water in different parts of Mars's atmosphere over a six-year period. These new maps are the first of their kind.
A 2.8-million-year-old battered jawbone from Ethiopia may represent the earliest ancient human fossil ever discovered--pushing back the known origins of humankind by 500,000 years. The remains, alongside a digital reconstruction of a damaged fossil from a key early-human species, point to an evolutionary explosion at the dawn of our genus, Homo. Modern humans, Homo sapiens, are the latest link in a chain of ancestry that stretches back 5 to 7 million years to a common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos, humanity's two closest living relatives. An incomplete fossil record means that researchers have had a hard time finding the other links of that chain, and distinguishing true human ancestors from evolutionary dead-ends--side branches in the family tree. "It became very clear that there was too much variation to accommodate just one species."
At her Harvard commencement speech, "Harry Potter" author JK Rowling offers some powerful, heartening advice to dreamers and overachievers, including one hard-won lesson that she deems "worth more than any qualification I ever earned."
Two of the globe's most prominent women, the pop singer Madonna and the French far right leader Marine Le Pen, are to meet to discuss their divergent political views. Ms Le Pen has accepted an invitation from Madonna to "have a drink" with the American singer and explain her beliefs "from her own mouth". Madonna made the offer live on a French TV news show on Monday night a few days after she described Ms Le Pen's Front National party as "fascist". In 2012, the pop star's stage show included a brief video clip of Ms Le Pen with a swastika superimposed on her forehead. Asked about her previous attacks on Ms Le Pen and the Front National, she said: "What I want is peace in the world. My first thought about Marine Le Pen is that I would like to meet her and talk to her and hear from her own mouth, right in my own ears, what she believes in."
Senator Jim Inhofe, a Republican from Oklahoma, became the object of global ridicule recently when he sauntered onto the floor of the world's greatest deliberative body with what he declared was persuasive evidence climate change was a hoax. In his hands was a snowball. Those concerned about climate change for themselves and future generations should take heart though. Inhofe doesn't misunderstand the science; rather, he doesn't need science as his guide, because God has already assured him there is nothing to fear. "The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is to me outrageous," he said.
A New York judge ordered a Papa John's pizza restaurant franchise and its owner to fork over more than $2 million after short-changing hundreds of delivery workers and shaving hours from their paychecks, prosecutors said on Thursday. The judgment comes amid a national debate over minimum wage laws that has sparked protests by fast-food employees and prompted cities across the United States to propose wage increases for their lowest-paid workers.
The allegations building against Bill O'Reilly are apparently taking a harsh toll on his trustworthiness and favorability among Americans.
In a very brief film clip of a speech by the late civil rights leader Malcolm X, he almost presciently inveighs against the exact same circumstances which members of the black community had to endure, almost 50 years ago, regarding police and the criminal justice system, as they continue to experience today....
The Top-10 Most Unwanted List--the Enemies of Public Education; Lloyd Lofthouse
The top-ten most unwanted list of the enemies of public education....a sort of hall of infamy for public education reformers. Lofthouse is saying that "I'm planning an update. I might move Cristy off the top 10 and replace him with Scott Walker and then add a few more to the extended list." He also suggests that If you want to suggest someone who deserved to be added to the extended list--beyond the Top Ten--please leave a comment with a name and provide a link to evidence that shows why they deserve a spot on the extended list of public education's worst enemies.
As Congress pursues more civilian life disrupting sanctions for Syria, Iran and Russia, one of the main weapons will continue to be the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the U.S. Department of Treasury. This oft-described pro-Zionist highly politicized agency will continue to act as judge, jury and hangman as more US led-sanctions target the Syrian and Iranian civilian populations.
If you want to know what a political party really stands for, follow the money. Pundits and the public are often deceived; remember when George W. Bush was a moderate, and Chris Christie a reasonable guy who could reach out to Democrats? Major donors, however, generally have a very good idea of what they are buying, so tracking their spending tells you a lot. So what do contributions in the last election cycle say? The Democrats are, not too surprisingly, the party of Big Labor (or what's left of it) and Big Law: unions and lawyers are the most pro-Democratic major interest groups. Republicans are the party of Big Energy and Big Food: they dominate contributions from extractive industries and agribusiness. And they are, in particular, the party of Big Pizza.
Sheryl McDonald, a retiree, voted for both Presidents Bush. "But I'm finding out they did some things we got stuck with," she said. "I do not want to see Jeb Bush run," she added. "He turns me off."
The United Nations and Libya: Again
Horace G. Campbell, a veteran Pan Africanist is a Professor of African American Studies and Political Science at Syracuse University, and author of the book Global NATO and Catastrophic Failure in Libya, offers an extensive analysis on power game around and in Libya - ISIS and its money - and points to the real culprit of the situation: NATO's aggression. Other players are exposed.
When the House created its Benghazi Select Committee last year, it seemed like a joke--derided by mocking Democrats and eye-rolling Republicans, who'd already run through multiple investigations and hearings on the U.S. consulate attack. Then the committee revealed Hillary Clinton had used multiple personal email accounts for official business at the State Department. And suddenly, Democrats are terrified--terrified that the Benghazi panel is about to become the House Select Committee to take down Clinton, their presumptive presidential nominee. "I did not want to believe it, but everything I've seen so far has led me to believe that this is an effort to go after Hillary Clinton. Period. Clearly this has been a very much drawn out process," Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the Benghazi committee, said.
The future of Obamacare could be decided on Friday, when nine justices of the Supreme Court meet in private.
The Fed's actions -- from bailing out the banks to its Quantitative Easing programs -- have boosted stocks and saved Wall Street, but the benefits have been slow to reach Main Street. Workers have not yet shared in the recovery. Household income is down, not up since the recession. The vast majority of Americans have not recovered the wealth lost in that calamity.
Annual election of new Green Party of Philadelphia City Committee and their plans for 2015.
Bullets Over Washington - by Joe Nocera, NYTimes
"In 1986, Congress passed, and Ronald Reagan signed into law, the Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act. It directed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to ban certain types of ammunition: "Certain forms of ammunition have no legitimate sporting, recreational or self-defense use and thus should be prohibited," Reagan said during the signing ceremony...last month, the A.T.F. published a document outlining a new framework for deciding whether certain bullets that had been exempt should now be banned....Which, of course, leads to the second thing that has changed. Congress no longer passes bills opposed by the N.R.A., even if the intent is to save the lives of police officers. The N.R.A. quickly labeled Obama a "dictator." Pro-gun bloggers screamed about this latest assault on their Second Amendment rights. "[Obama] wants to take guns out of everybody's hands, and if he can't do that, he's gonna take the bullets," said Mr. Echo Chamber himself, Rush Limbaugh....
Tah-Dah: The Coveted BUNKUM Awards!; by Diane Ravitch
Every year, the National Education Policy Center selects the absolutely worst research, worst policy proclamations, and worst think tank pronouncements and bestows upon them the Bunkum Award. Here are the winners! Open the link to watch the thrilling video. 2014 Bunkum Honorees: The 'Class Size Reductio ad Absurdum' Award To GEMS Education Solutions for The Efficiency Index; The 'What the World Needs Now is Choice Sweet Choice' Awards To Fordham Institute for Expanding the Education Universe (after all While it's true that all this choice has increased systemic inequities even as it has failed to improve educational outcomes, that's no reason to stop or slow down-- The 'It's Never Too Early to Revise History' Award To Sonecon, Inc. for The Economic Benefits of New York City's Public School Reforms, 2002-2013, which "Specifically, it attributes all gains in high school completion and college enrollment to the reforms, applies national statistics on earnings and college completion to the marginal graduate in NYC, and extrapolates cross-sectional associations between graduation rates and home prices at the zip code level as the causal effect of higher graduation rates."
Strength in numbers: First-ever quantum device that detects and corrects its own errors -- ScienceDaily
Take a sledge hammer to your computer; it is likely to need it soon! When scientists develop a full quantum computer, the world of computing will undergo a revolution of sophistication, speed and energy efficiency that will make even our beefiest conventional machines seem like Stone Age clunkers by comparison.
The Salvation Army have released a powerful domestic violence advert featuring #TheDress that sent the internet into meltdown last week. "Why is it so hard to see black and blue?" reads the advert. "The only illusion is if you think... Last week, the infamous dress, which appeared black and blue to some but white and gold to others, got everyone talking.
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