2015년 3월 10일 화요일

Register Now: Grid 3.0 Workshop (March 26-27, 2015) at NIST Gaithersburg, MD

Register Now: Grid 3.0 Workshop (March 26-27, 2015) at NIST Gaithersburg, MD
Building on the success of the Electricity Sector Issues Roundtable: Grid 3.0 and Beyond on November 13, 2014, NIST and its partner organizations will convene experts to develop action plans for interoperability challenges facing the electricity sector.
On March 26 and 27, NIST—with the Department of Energy, Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, GridWise Architecture Council, and NEMA and the Electric Power Research Institute—will host the Grid 3.0 Workshop to address key topics, including: Enabling New Entrants and Innovation; Impact of Technology and Flexible Resources; Enhancing Reliability and Resiliency; Enabling New and Evolving Markets; Architecting the Change; Evolving Industry Structure.
For more information and to register, please visithttp://go.usa.gov/3aWpj

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