What Adam Levine did when he met this young fan will warm your heart |
A 10-year-old boy’s dream came true when he met his idol Monday night: Adam Levine from Maroon 5. Christopher Warner, who has Down syndrome, hardly ever stops talking about—or singing—the band’s music, one of his teachers at West Friendship Elementary School in Maryland told TODAY.com. |
Smell you later! The surprising reason we shake hands |
You consciously do the grip and grin. But you may unconsciously perform the shake and sniff. After pumping a person's hand during a greeting, some people take that moment of body-language reading to a deeper level, absentmindedly trying to detect traces of information from the scents left on their palms, new science suggests. |
Female executive apologizes to 'all the mothers I worked with' in powerful essay Read More > |
Ruff memory: Why dogs don’t remember what happened yesterday Read More > |
You're now clear for landing at the Lower 48's only ice runway Read More > |
Move over, weasel! See who's riding the woodpecker in this amazing meme Read More > |
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