2015년 3월 10일 화요일

Your Scoop.it Daily Summary

Craft Beer Industry
Join me on my journey through the craft beer industry! Cheers :)
Last Post:
PLCB: Pennsylvania beer distributors can sell 12-packs
8.4K views, 2.8K followers54
Social Media Bites!
Bitesize news, tips and rumours about all things social from David Blundell
Last Post:
15 Types of Facebook Apps to Enhance Your Facebook Page
43.0K views, 6.3K followers84
Raspberry Pi
A complete ARM GNU/Linux computer for $25.<br> (also covering Arduino and BeagleBone)
Last Post:
An Arduino Device that Monitors Your External IP Address
516.0K views, 7.5K followers45
M-learning, E-Learning, and Technical Communications
A collection of all the tech comm topics I find most timely or helpful, with a special emphasis on e-learning and m-learning
Last Post:
Disney's $1 Billion Bet on a Magical Wristband | WIRED
46.5K views, 6.1K followers75

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