2014년 12월 27일 토요일

A weekly newsletter highlighting everything AngularJS

ngEurope is this week! Be on the look out for some great content. While you wait, this week's newsletter features a new release from the Angular team and things to help us understand and make our apps more performant.

Release: AngularJS 1.3.0 superluminal-nudge

by @angular
Take a look at the latest release from the Angular team. View the breaking changes associated with $animate and look at new features, like $anchorScroll and currencyFilter.
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Exploring Angular 1.3 - One-time Bindings

by @pascalprecht
Angular's implementation of databinding requires the framework to keep an eye on all values that are bound. This can lead to performance issues and one-time bindings are here to help.
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Learn to build a real-time reddit clone with AngularJS

This tutorial will show you how to build an entire production ready application with AngularJS.
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AngularJS: Looking under the hood [Part 2]

Learn about: the unbinding of $rootScope's closure, $scope.$watch magic, ngSwitch's change event, and much more from Todd Motto.
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Building Angular Apps Using Flux Architecture

Some of us have ventured into ReactJS territory for building components, but it's not a framework. Flux came into the picture to fill that gap and better help developers organize their code. See how an architectural pattern based on unidirectional data flow can change the way you build apps going forward.
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Flask by Example - Integrating Flask and AngularJS

AngularJS is backend agnostic and we don't hear enough about building backends in Python. Today there's a very good tutorial on integrating Angular with Flask, a Python micro-framework that can teach us how to do just that.
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