| If you're planning a vacation, the last thing you want to do is get sick or have a medical emergency while you're away. Whether you're going on a trip around the world or a quick mountain getaway, here's what you need to know about travel illnesses and how to avoid them: |
• Traveler's diarrhea. This is the most common travel sickness, experienced by 20 to 50 percent of international travelers. Visitors to developing nations in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa are most at risk. Avoid raw or undercooked meat, fish, and vegetables, and drink from bottled water that is sealed and is brand name.
• Jet lag. Although jet lag isn't a travel sickness per se, it can leave you feeling drained and tired. Flying across several time zones can upend your normal sleep-wake time clock. Get into the sun so you get your time clock organized as quickly as possible. Also, eat at the time locals do and get on their schedule.
Discover six more travel illnesses and how to avoid them.
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