2015년 2월 2일 월요일

How 650 Years of Drought Killed an Ancient City in Mexico

 February 2, 2015 
NBC NEWSTech & Science
How 650 Years of Drought Killed an Ancient Mexican City
A once-thriving Mesoamerican metropolis dried up about 1,000 years ago when below-average rainfall triggered centuries-long droughts
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Drone Maker: 'We Are Working on More Safeguards'
Paul Pan of DJI, biggest maker of consumer and small commercial drones in the world, says software prevents drones taking-off in no-fly zones.
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NASA's Moisture-Monitoring Satellite Goes Into Orbit
A Delta 2 rocket has sent a NASA satellite into space to improve drought monitoring and flooding forecasts.
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Hackers Pose as 'Attractive' Women in Syrian Sting
Hackers stole Syrian opposition fighters' strategic battle plans by using "attractive" female Skype avatars to target victims, according to a new report.
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Month in Space: Catch a Comet and a Cosmic Dawn
Experience an orbital sunrise, a stellar blast, a New Year's comet and other outer-space highlights from January 2015.
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iPhone on the Sidelines? In NFL, That's Not Allowed
GPS-Equipped Bike Light Tracks Rides - and Thieves
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