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By Dave Lindorff
This is what corporatocracy looks like!: Trading US Democracy for Corporate Profits with TPP
For a perfect illustration of both how and why America's democracy is on life-support and nearing extinction, just look at the Tans-Pacific Partnership treaty making its way to Congress, writers TCBH! journalist Dave Lindorff
The Greeks are being blamed for the dirty deeds of others and are told they must suffer. Every new loan comes with more suffering. But there is a way out.
A report on the Senate Judiciary committee's recent decision to vote in favour of "nitrogen hypoxia" as Oklahoma's back up method of executing death row prisoners, including the views of Republican Mike Christian, a staunch supporter of the bill.
This article ties the death of Kayla Mueller to the Free Syrian Army and its ties to its main supporter, Senator John McCain.
Censorship is very common in the West. The results are the same, only the methods are different than elsewhere. In the West, it's all about denying false flags.
The shortfall of infrastructure is lowering the potential GDP growth by 2-3% in many countries. An extra 2% GDP growth globally would accelerate the arrival of a world with a quadrillion dollar economy measured in todays dollars.
John Minton's 2006 video, "Fluorescent Lights Under High Voltage Power Lines," shows bulbs lighting up by electrical energy they access outside, without wiring, under power lines.
The chance of a "megadrought" gripping the Southwest for more than 30 years has increased to 50 percent, scientists say, which means bad news for California's already parched landscape. The odds of a ten-year drought afflicting the southwestern U.S. have increased to 80 percent, according to a new study by Cornell University, the University of Arizona and the U.S. Geological Survey. Megadrought conditions may also strike Australia, southern Africa and the Amazon, the researchers said. The risk for a decade-long drought like the 1930s Dust Bowl is even more alarming because researchers say such events occur "on average once or twice per century."
Brian Williams certainly deserves criticism for playing fast and loose with the news. We can fact check him on what he said but what is to be done about the huge amounts of important information the he all all the media simply leave out due to self-censorship?
By Daily kos
Video released showing Alabama police paralyzing elderly Indian grandfather; officer arrested
The video was just released of an elderly grandfather being slammed to the ground so hard by an Alabama police officer that it severed his vertebra and paralyzed the man. As you will see in the video, the police then attempt to force the man to walk and believe he's resisting arrest when his legs won't work -- not knowing that they broke his neck.
During the 1975-1976 school year 7.8 percent of students were minorities at schools approved by the American Bar Association. "-While that percentage has more than tripled, some minorities have yet to be strongly represented in 15 of the top law schools, according to a December report from the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education."- The report focuses on minority enrollment at law schools, including at Harvard University, the Columbia University and Northwestern University. "At none of these top law schools do Black enrollments reach 9 percent." Law experts say that some schools take extra measures to serve minority students and make them feel welcome. The school has made a conscious effort over the years to increase diversity. Of the students who are underrepresented minorities, about half are black.
By Katie Singer
A Model Letter To School Administrators and Parents from Anyone Concerned About Children's Health
A Model Letter Drafted by Katie Singer
Back in 1970, a Yoga Master from the Himalayas named Swami Rama was invited by scientists at the Menninger Foundation to have his abilities clinically tested. He agreed, and the results created a bit of a media sensation. Reports of the work were documented in the World Book Science Annual 1974, the 1973 Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook of Science, the Time-Life 1973 Nature Science Annual, and numerous other publications. Articles appeared in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (1970), New York Times Magazine (September 1971), Times Weekly (July 1972), Playboy (December 1972), Psychology Today (August 1974), and other popular journals such as Esquire (December 1972), Time (April 1973), Saturday Review (February 1975), and Prevention (June 1978). Recently, I emailed Prof. Noam Chomsky this excerpt from the co-chairpersons account of the tests to which he replied, "Thanks. Perplexing".
There's a story told about a distinguished cardiac surgeon who, about to retire, decided he'd like to take up the history of medicine. He sought out a historian friend and asked her if she had any tips for him. The historian said she'd be happy to help but first asked the surgeon a reciprocal favor: "As it happens, I'm about to retire too, and I'm thinking of taking up heart surgery. Do you have any tips for me?" The story displays a real asymmetry between two expert practices. The surgeon knows that his skills are specialized and that they're difficult to acquire, but he doesn't think that the historian's skills are anything like that. What is interesting is that these different stories about the historical development of science persist, with no prospect that professional historians of science will ever own their subject as, say, art historians own the history of art.
What could be more exotic and exciting than a liquid methane sea on a faraway moon? NASA has the answer: The space agency has prepared a video showing a plan for a submarine designed to study the depths of a sea on Titan, one of Saturn's moons. Titan is the only known body in our solar system with liquid seas and lakes, aside from Earth. And NASA wants to know what Kraken Mare, the largest sea on Titan, is like. "This craft will autonomously carry out detailed scientific investigations under the surface of Kraken Mare, providing unprecedented knowledge of an extraterrestrial sea and expanding NASA's existing capabilities in planetary exploration to include in situ nautical operations. Sprawling over 1,000 kilometers, with depths estimated at 300 meters, Kraken Mare is comparable in size to the Great Lakes and represents an opportunity for an unprecedented planetary exploration mission."
In today's gospel Jesus identifies with what Senator McCain called "low-life scum."
By Richard Clark
Love vs. Money: When, How and Why Does Money Sometimes Become More Important Than Love? Without either of them any longer being able to find a decently paid job, the writing was on the wall. As Jill saw it, Jack was presenting her with a terrible choice: either 'poverty' and love with Jack, or Jack gets put back in the dumpster and Jill finds someone with money. And to Jill, as with most women caught in such a dilemma, the right choice was clear. After all, "it's just as easy to love a rich man as a poor one."
A MUST-READ: Indiana Mom Vents Her Rage at Governor Pence; by Diane Ravitch
Cathy Fuentes-Rohwer, a parent in Bloomington, Indiana, a member of the Indiana Coalition for Public Education. The great majority of parents--Democrats, Republicans, and independents--send their children to public schools and see clearly what the Governor and the Legislature are up to: the destruction of their community's public schools. They know campaign contributions from private interests who will profit by the proliferation of for-profit charters is behind it. She writes: "Governor Pence has swooped down on his white horse to right the wrongs of the ISTEP. You have got to be kidding me. Fixed it? The same way that he dissolved his secondary dept. of education WHICH HE created!
In a report to be published on Monday, and provided in advance to The New York Times, Kaspersky Lab says that the scope of this attack on more than 100 banks and other financial institutions in 30 nations could make it one of the largest bank thefts ever -- and one conducted without the usual signs of robbery.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's new budget is all about wooing his conservative base in 2016, reports Daniel Strauss.
It's funny how all this security isn't making me feel more secure.
The invitation and Netanyahu's pre-arranged acceptance, is giving a certain grim delight to Netanyahu's opponents in Israel's March 17 election. An Israeli campaign speech to the U.S. Congress two weeks before an election? Not politically smart, which is no doubt the only reason Netanyahu may still cancel.
Corrie's family first filed a wrongful death civil suit in 2005. In 2012, Judge Oded Gershon of the Haifa district court sided with the military and charged that Corrie was responsible for her own death. "She did not move away as any reasonable person would have done," ruled Gershon. "But she chose to endanger herself."
Just hours after Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber announced his decision to resign, a subpoena arrived confirming that federal agents are looking into the influence-peddling scandal that led to the abrupt end of a four-decade political career. The Democratic governor gave in to mounting pressure Friday, abandoning his office amid suspicions that his live-in fiancee used her relationship with him to land contracts for her green-energy consulting business.
When former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) released thousands of personal emails from his time at the helm of the sunshine state, he did so in an effort to show transparency ahead of his potential entry into the 2016 race for president. But what he probably did not know is that many of those emails contained personal information of his former constituents, even Social Security numbers. According to the Associated Press, the CEO of a data protection firm found that as many as 12,000 Social Security numbers were compromised as a result.
Khamenei knows very well that this is the opportunity to play Iran's nuclear cards in order to get the sanctions removed. But the United States appears to be using its sanctions card to force Iran to accept a reduction of roughly 75 percent in its enrichment capacity and not even offering to lift all sanctions in the short run even if Iran caves in.
Boehner: 'I love Mitch,' but this Homeland Security mess is all his fault
Newsflash to Republicans: You control Congress, you own the shutdown. So Speaker John Boehner can scream all he wants for Democrats to "get off their ass," but the fact that our nation's chief national security agency may shut down in 16 days is on his head.
The People Organized for the Defense of Equal Rights in Santa Barbara (PODER) calls for a boycott of the Santa Barbara News Press for its use of hate speech to describe Latino immigrants. PODER believes that hate speech masquerading as free speech must be accountable to the citizens and that fair and ethical standards of journalism should prevail in our news media.
By David Swanson
Cuba: Land of Opportunity What can I be sure of after only one week in Havana? Very little. There are exceptions to every pattern, and sometimes more exceptions than patterns. But a few claims, I think, are possible:
Dr. Osman of Turkey - A Man of Compassion
I am glad that I took the time today to view the segments Harmony Fund posted re their work for animals. I was deeply impressed by their account of veterinarian Dr. Osman of Turkey- truly a man of compassion.
Oscar Nominee "Virunga" Offers Fantasy and Not Fact
There is a film, Virunga, competing for Best Documentary. Virunga has the potential, if it has not already, to greatly harm people of eastern Congo by conflating the political narrative to "humans vs. environment." People care more about a charismatic non-human species than they do about millions suffering under a brutal regime.
In today's gospel Jesus identifies with what Senator McCain called "low-life scum."
Gamberg calls gov's education reform 'the worst' in NYS history; by by Jen Nuzzo
David Gamberg, superintendent of the public schools in Southold and Greenport--two independent districts on Long Island in New York--denounced Governor Cuomo's "education reforms." Gamberg was blunt. He has the full support of his board. Gamberg said that the Governor's desire to make test scores count for 50% of teachers' evaluation "could devastate the faculty and, thus, the students of Southold. "The governor has proposed a teacher rating system that would base 50 percent of an instructor's evaluation on student performance on state tests -- an increase from the current 20 percent....If this plan were to become law, I will provide the board with direct, accurate evidence of [the teachers] who will get swept up -- that should not get swept up -- in this metric to the detriment of the students of Southold," Mr. Gamberg said. ...I think it would be the highest irresponsibility for
The Supreme Court of Israel dismissed our appeal in the wrongful death case of our daughter and sister Rachel Corrie. Our family is disappointed but not surprised. We had hoped for a different outcome, though we have come to see through this experience how deeply all of Israel's institutions are implicated in the impunity enjoyed by the Israeli military. It is clear that this decision, affirming the lower court finding, amounts to judicial sanction of immunity for Israeli military forces when they commit injustices and human rights violations. The Supreme Court decision ignores international law arguments regarding the protection of civilians and human rights defenders in armed conflict and grossly violates the internationally recognized right to effective remedy. Rachel's case provides yet another example of how the Israeli justice system is failing to provide accountability.
The speaker in this video is actually an actress named Kate Miles, but the facts about produce and its marketing are 100% real. The audience is also real, and thus the looks of disgust are totally real too. She opens with: "I'm going to give you some of the secrets about how we make you buy what we want you to buy. So, as a marketer, when I'm first given a project, what's my job? Well, my job is to make you want it, to crave it, to need it, to think that it is the best innovation in food since sliced bread." It starts getting creepy from there. The reality behind food marketing is pretty damn eye-opening.
Gunmen fired on a cafe in Copenhagen as it hosted a free speech event Saturday, killing one man in a likely terror attack, Danish authorities said. The event was organized by Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who has faced numerous threats after caricaturing the Prophet Muhammad. The shooting came a month after Islamic militants attacked another media outlet that had printed Muhammad cartoons, the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine in Paris, killing 12 people. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the shooting, which took place shortly before 4 p.m.
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