2015년 2월 15일 일요일

The Latest from Boing Boing

Tone-deaf Valentines tweets from the NSA
"Roses are red, violets are blue, #NSA loves privacy rights and you." No, seriously.
#HappyValentinesDay from the #NSA. No, we don't listen to your pillow talk.
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Good deal on a 3 year subscription to VPN Unlimited

A VPN (virtual private network) is useful in many ways. Your data is encrypted on your mobile device or computer, so you can use public WiFi without worrying about someone stealing your information (unless it's the NSA, I suppose).
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Dirt Devil carpet cleaner for pets

Sometimes I don't feel like dragging out the big steam cleaner for a small pet mistake. This Dirt Devil spot steamer is a great solution.
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