2015년 3월 10일 화요일

[New post] Major Breakthroughs & News From This Week in Science (inforgraphic)

New post on From Quarks to Quasars

Major Breakthroughs & News From This Week in Science (inforgraphic)

by Jolene Creighton
The below image recaps some of the top news stories and breakthroughs from this week in science. If you want to learn more about any of these discoveries, simply scroll below the infographic. We have compiled a list of articles that correspond to each item that is mentioned on the image. If we missed any of your favorite stories, be sure to post them in the comments.
by From Quarks to Quasars' Jolene Creighton
by From Quarks to Quasars' Jolene Creighton

Scientists capture the first ever image of the fingerprint of light as both a particle and wave.

Astronomers see ancient supernova four times.

Developers announce that the first full-scale hyperloop transportation system will be built in California.

First ever quantum device that corrects its own errors.

Astronomers discover a planet with four stars.

We may have found the origin of Venus’ Y atmosphere. 

Happy birthday to General Relativity!

Jolene Creighton | March 10, 2015 at 4:19 pm | Tags: InfographicNewsScienceScience News | Categories: Physics | URL: http://www.fromquarkstoquasars.com/?p=37548

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