2015년 1월 5일 월요일

7 Members Share Their Resolutions

Daily Newsletter
January 05, 2015
Members Share Their Weight-Loss Goals
7 Members Share Their Resolutions
There is much more to a healthy lifestyle than losing weight, eating well, and exercising. The quality of sleep you get each night and how you deal with stress can affect your quality of life as well. Here, some of our members share their resolutions for staying on track.
Get inspiration from our members' New Year's resolutions.

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A Flavorful Chicken Dinner Recipe
Raspberry Chicken Breast with Fresh Herbs
Raspberry viengar, fresh parsley, chives, thyme, and tarragon infuse a sweet and savory flavor to chicken breasts in this simple dinner recipe.
Get the recipe.
Kick-Start Your Weight Loss
New Year, New You, New Recipes!
The New Year is the perfect time to kick those bad eating habits in favor of enjoying nutritious meals that will leave you more than satisfied. We've rounded up some delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes to ensure that you get off to the right start in 2015!
Jumpstart your weight loss with these recipes.

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