2015년 1월 5일 월요일

Brand Camp marketoon: "Marketing Funnel"

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"Marketing Funnel" cartoon
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marketing funnel

Many marketers have funnel-vision. We learn to see our customers in a linear path. Our job is to systematically move customers from step to step. The rise of data-driven marketing has made it easier to measure and improve the performance of each stage.

In theory, this model keeps marketers focused on activities that lead to results.  In practice, the funnel can be transactional and short-sighted.  The funnel can lead marketers to heavy-handed tactics, like click-baiting, spam, or bait-and-switch offers.

We have to be really careful which metrics are ultimately the most important for the business. What drives a conversion may not be the best in the long-term for the brand.  It can also lead businesses to overlook...
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marketoon animation as pre-roll ad on youtube

A few months ago, I shared a fun campaign we created to promote Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg’s new book, How Google Works.  We just created a 15-second animation of one of the cartoons that Google is now running as a pre-roll ad on YouTube.  I’m really excited to continuing experimenting with animation (along with our animation guru, Michael).  Let me knowif you'd like to learn more about animation.
How Google Works Animation
Marketoon Studios

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