2015년 1월 5일 월요일

Daily News - Functional Programming should be your #1 priority for 2015

The Code Project InsiderThe Code Project
Monday, January 05, 2015View onlineTips? Send 'em to Insider@codeproject.comEmail me
Industry News
Because there hasn't been any troubles until now
Source: CIO
I'm guessing it's not, "What are the new features in the latest version of Access?"
Source: Business Insider
It means you'll have to start a different app to download Chrome
Source: Network world
Developer News
"Hey ho, let's go! "
Source: Justin Beckwith
I'll add it to my queue, but that's being processed asynchronously
Source: Medium
Yes, Virginia
Source: Eric Sink
Code Project Discussions - Your say!
(reverse) Developer Captcha: "Do you want codez plz?"
Source: CodeProject
Well done, and thank you all for your contributions
Source: CodeProject

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