2015년 1월 15일 목요일

News from The Hill: WHIP LIST: Fault lines harden on Keystone

News from The Hill

WHIP LIST: Fault lines harden on Keystone
By Marianna Sotomayor and Alison Thoet
Senate fault lines on the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline appear set as lawmakers begin their debate on authorizing the controversial energy project.
The upper chamber is expected to approve the bill but fall short of the 67 votes needed to override President Obama’s threatened veto.
Sixty-three senators — the entire 54-member GOP conference and nine Democrats, are widely expected to vote in favor of building the pipeline.
Thirty-five Democrats and two Independents who caucus with the party are widely expected to oppose it.
Within those 37 "no" votes, there are perhaps four members who could switch sides. Few believe they will, but the numbers bear watching as the debate continues.

Read more on this article here.

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