2015년 1월 21일 수요일

Reliable Source: Another SOTU, another nap for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The Washington Post
Reliable Source
Wed., Jan. 21, 2015
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Okay, we know Obama walked in on Reggie Love’s adult sleepover, but what else happens in Love’s new book?
Okay, stop us if you’ve heard this one before: A presidential candidate walks into his assistance’s hotel room… We’d hoped that former “body man” Reggie Love’s new professional memoir, “Power Forward: My Presidential Education,” would offer up more juicy tidbits than which MET-Rx protein bars President Obama was into, and, well, be careful what you wish for. While …  Read full article »
A wink, a grimace and a kiss: the State of the Union in GIFs
Every year, on a chilly January night, what seems like every important person in Washington — and then some — gather in the Capitol’s House chamber to hear the president talk about just how bad or good the state of our union is. (It’s usually “strong” or some variation thereof). With so many big deals …  Read full article »
Another SOTU, another nap for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg owes her colleagues Stephen Breyer and Anthony Kennedy some drinks — or maybe, more appropriately,  a cup of coffee … spiked with Red Bull. The pair sat flanking the 81-year-old justice during President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night, and they did their level best to keep their obviously dozy colleague from totally …  Read full article »
The Washington Post. The all-new app is now on the Fire tablet. http://washingtonpost.com/fireapp
Drama at the State of the Union address spoiled by spoilers
If the annual State of the Union address is supposed to be high political theater, the 2015 installation of the tradition feels like a movie whose previews gave away too much of the plot. Well before President Obama inevitably declares the state of the union to be “strong,” the speech’s themes have been previewed, its writer profiled, excerpts …  Read full article »
Former mayor Adrian Fenty and billionaire Laurene Powell Jobs still going strong
Looks like the romance is still going strong for former D.C. mayor Adrian Fenty and Laurene Powell Jobs, the billionaire widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. The pair, who have been dating since 2013, were snapped by paparazzi vacationing on a “luxury yacht” off the Cayman Islands. The cameras caught the couple looking relaxed and fix, …  Read full article »
‘Wild’ author Cheryl Strayed will attend the State of the Union
And the list of slightly famous people attending Tuesday night’s State of the Union address keeps getting slightly bigger. Author Cheryl Strayed, whose walkabout memoir “Wild” was made into a movie starring Reese Witherspoon, will be a guest of Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.). In the best-selling book Strayed recounts the tail of her transformative 1,100-mile hike up the …  Read full article »

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